
[Contributor] Official REST API plugin for the steam-comment-service-bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Steam Comment Bot Rest API


A Rest API for the Steam Comment Bot


This Plugin supports headless mode. This deactivates the frontend but still provides all the functionality for that change the config file like this:

  "headless": true


an official frontend is currently under development. The source code can be found here

version 1.0 will be shipped with this plugin when ready


This Plugins uses RPC to communicate with the backend Calls look like this: localhost:4000/rpc/${Class}.${MethodName}?${params}

Request can either be GET or POST for POST params are taken from the body
this allows longer strings of texts or similar to be parsed


this plugin comes with an SDK file that helps with the development of clients


class Bots {
  botCount(); // returns the amount of bots present
  getBots(); // returns an array of Bot objects
  addBot(name: string, password: string); // starts the authentication process and returns the index for the steamguard function
  removeBot(name: string); // removes the specified bot from the bot pool please note that it will be back after reboot
  submitSteamGuardCode(botIndex: string, steamGuardCode: string); // enters the steamguard code
class Settings {
  getQuoteFile(); // Returns the content of the quote file
  setQuoteFile(quoteFile: string); // sets the content of the quote file
  getPlugins(); // returns an array of installed plugins
  getBootTime(); // returns the time needed to start
class Comment {
  comment(count: string, steamID: string); // Starts a comment que
  commentCount(); // Returns the number of comments since the last reboot