
Representation of tomographic data. This tool can be used to explore the mandelbulb fractal.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Gestaltlupe ist a scientific tool to render tomographic functions. 
A tomographic function T(p) (p is a point p=(x,y,z) in R^3) returns either true or false. The rendering 
interpreted this as formula description of an arbitrary object in the 3D space. This means: T(p)=true, 
if and only if p is inside the object. 

Gestaltlupe is available at GitHub at 
The full documentation can be found at


Double click on Gestaltlupe.exe , choose Tab “file”, load an sample project and press the 
button “preview” to get after a short time a small picture of the given 3D object, or press "start" 
to render a bitmap in full resolution. 


To run Gestaltlupe  on a Linux system, you have to install the mono package 
(http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page ). It is tested on a Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04.3 LTS. 

On Ubuntu 14.04 it is nececcary to install the packets `mono-mcs` and `libmono-system-windows-forms4.0-cil`.

Mac OSX:

It is tested on a Mac OSX 10.6. with Mono 2.8 . It can produce some nice pictures, but working is a 
pain, because some windows forms are not redrawn properly.