
This API provides endpoints to be used when querying the IPRS Service from the Ministry of Immigration.


Support and Maintenance Queries: jesse.kariuki@softwareske.com

This Project offers sample codes to be used when querying the IPRS API Service you need to be onboarded on their VPN Service for you to use the API You can reach Out on how to setup this VPN on Unix based Systems to establish connectivity with the IPRS Kenya by sending me an email in the above mail.

Requirements for Go Live

  1. You will need the Username and Password obtained from the API Administrators
  2. You will need knowledge on SoapUI usage for generating the XML Requests to Submit to the API Endpoint

Generating the Request payload to IPRS VPN WebService

Constant WS_USERNAME contains the Web Service Username while WS_PASSWORD contains the password

Variable $idnumber contains the ID Number to be passed to the Request

$soap_params = array('exception'=>1,'cache_wsdl'=>WSDL_CACHE_NONE,'trace'=>1);

//Generate Request payload to be passed to the IPRS Endpoint
$request = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">

//Create an instance of the SoapClient class to pass the Request 
$soapClient      = new MySoapClient("< WSDL_URL >", $soap_params);
$PostTransaction = $soapClient->GetDataByIdCard($request,'http://tempuri.org/IServiceIPRS/GetDataByIdCard');

Sample XML Returned from the Web Service call This is how

  <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <GetDataByIdCardResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
    <GetDataByIdCardResult xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/IPRSManager" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <a:Citizenship i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Clan i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Date_of_Birth>00/00/0000 12:00:00 AM</a:Date_of_Birth>
      <a:Date_of_Death i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Ethnic_Group i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Family i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Fingerprint i:nil="true"/>
      <a:ID_Number i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Occupation i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Photo i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Pin i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Place_of_Birth i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Place_of_Death i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Place_of_Live i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Signature i:nil="true"/>
      <a:Date_of_Issue i:nil="true"/>
      <a:RegOffice i:nil="true"/>
