attachment-third-party plugin for CakePHP

Attachment third pary ( Youtube etc ... ). Is a sub project of plugin 3xw/attachment


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require 3xw/attachment-third-party

Add Queue tasks

Acrtive the plugin in your Application.php file:

// Queue

Then migrate the db

bin/cake migrations migrate -p Queue



Install Google lib:

composer require google/apiclient:^2.0


Ignore your Google private settings. Add following in .gitignore file:



  • select/create a Google project here
  • active Youtube Library in library menu
  • create and download a OAuth Client (of type "Other"), place it as config/google/credentials.json



When using attachment, setup an event listener either:

  • globally in your config/attachment.php
return [
	'Attachment' => [


		'listeners' => [
			'beforeSave' => [
				'Attachment\Listener\ModifyTypeListener' => [
					'type' => 'transit',
					'subtype' => 'youtube', // or other third party name


  • specifically in any template:
	'actions' => ['add','edit','delete','view'],
	'types' =>['image/jpeg','image/png','embed/youtube','embed/vimeo','video/quicktime','transit/youtube'],
	'listeners' => [
		'beforeSave' => [
			'Attachment\Listener\ModifyTypeListener' => [
				'type' => 'transit',
				'subtype' => 'youtube',

Move Files

By creating a cron tasks, the plugin will look for attachments with a type "transit" and create Queue tasks for each attachment with relevant Mover Class.

bin/cake queue add CreateTransitStack & bin/cake queue runworker