
pc parts builder api

Primary LanguageJava

PC Parts Builder API

Project Description

This project simulates an API that might be used for a website that helps people build computers.

I developed three back-end services with three separate data sources (products, customers, and orders) to be consumed and re-exposed through the front-facing API. The end product API would then theoretically be used to construct the front-end.

Technologies Used

  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot 2.6.7
  • Spring Web 2.6.7
  • Spring Data JPA 2.6.4
  • PostgreSQL 14.3
  • DBeaver 22.0.5
  • Postman 9.19
  • Spring Tool Suite 4.14


  • Java application that retrieves and exposes data from a database of products with REST
  • Java application that retrieves and exposes data from a database of customers with REST
  • Java application that retrieves and exposes data from a database of orders with REST
  • Java application that consumes the three above services and exposes all of the data with REST

To-do list:

  • Change the Orders REST service to SOAP
  • Work on more logging and testing

Getting Started

On Windows:
git clone https://github.com/4-4-2022/laura_messinger_p1.git
Be sure your environment has JDK8, Spring Tool Suite 4, and Postman installed.


  1. In STS, run all four applications in the Spring Boot dashboard.
  2. In Postman, test out different endpoints:

GET http://localhost:8080/accounts/all
Request body: none
Return body: all accounts in the server database

POST http://localhost:8080/accounts/validate
Request body: username and password
Return body: true or false depending if credentials are matched

POST http://localhost:8080/accounts/new
Request body: email, username, and password
Return body: none (but updates database)

POST http://localhost:8080/accounts/newcomment
Request body: account id, product id, and comment string
Return body: none (but updates database)

GET http://localhost:8080/products/all
Request body: none
Return body: all products in the server database

GET http://localhost:8080/products/gpu (or any part)
Request body: none
Return body: all GPU (or specified part) products in the server database

GET http://localhost:8080/products/coolers/search?liquid=true (or other property)
Request body: none
Return body: all liquid coolers (or specified property) in the server database

GET http://localhost:8080/products/cases/search?color=black&manufacturer=corsair (or other combination)
Request body: none
Return body: all black Corsair cases (or specified combination) in the server database

GET http://localhost:8080/orders/all
Request body: none
Return body: all orders in the server database

POST http://localhost:8080/orders/new
Request body: account id, product id, and unix time
Return body: none (but updates database)

DELETE http://localhost:8083/orders/cancel
Request body: order id
Return body: none (but updates database)

