
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Study Mate App

The Study Mate App is a cross-platform app designed using the Flutter framework designed to provide resources, courses, and lectures to students in an organized and easily accessible way. The app will be available on multiple platforms, including Android and Windows. This app is designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and responsive to different screen sizes. The app also includes a notice/event section to keep users informed about recent events.


Exploring the App

Upon successful login, you will be directed to the app's home screen which contains:

Resources - Navigate to the "Resources" section to explore a collection of study materials. Browse through PDFs, previous year question papers, and PowerPoint presentations and put them in Favorites.

Courses - Visit the "Courses" section to discover various study courses available. Access any desired course with just one click.

Classroom - Access the "Classroom" feature to participate in virtual classrooms and interactive learning sessions. Take part in activities, submit assignments, and track your progress.

SAP Portal Integration - You can login and access SAP Portal directly through this app.

Favorites - Utilize the "Favorites" feature to save your preferred resources, courses, or lectures for quick access. Mark an item as a favorite by selecting the star icon on the app.

Lectures - Explore the "Lectures" section to find educational lectures on various subjects. Browse through the available lectures, such as Gate Smashers, Algo Expert, and Coding Wizard. Select a lecture to watch or listen to the content.

Notice/Events - This section provides a central place for users to access timely information and stay up-to-date with any relevant notices.

Profile Settings - Customize your profile settings by accessing the profile or settings section within the app. Change theme to light or dark mode, see app users and give feedback.








Alok Kumar

Sneha Agarwal

Nitin Kumar

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This project is MIT licensed.