
Example of implementation page object pattern and our other custom methods in Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of contents

What is it about?

Example of implementation page object pattern in Cypress. Project was designed to standardize the flow of our (first contributors) work with Cypress.

However, the project is supposed to "live own life" and be improved as our knowledge about the topic grows.

Also it contains examples and helpful methods, so it is on the public repository so always you can jump into project and copy custom methods which can help your work.

Each folder have own README.md to explain what's there and how you can use it.

Project launch

First you need npm/yarn and git. Clone latest version of main branch and go to that folder.

git clone https://github.com/403-html/cypress-pop-example.git && cd ./cypress-pop-example

then build it

yarn install

and run the Cypress

yarn cypress open

You're ready to run tests!


Tests - here you'll have description of all tests, what's going on there

Methods/Page Objects - here you'll have description of all custom commands, methods, page objects added to this project

Project files structure

└ .gitignore
└ cypress.json
└ package.json
└─── cypress/
     └─── fixtures/
     |    |
     |    └ example.json
     └─── integration/
     |    |
     |    └─── [T01] Cypress Sink/
     |          |
     |          └ README.md
     |          |
     |          └ [T01-01]get.spec.js
     └─── plugins/
     |    |
     |    └ index.js
     └─── support/
          └─── Pages/
          |    |
          |    └ allMethodsList.js
          |    |
          |    └ QuaryingPage.js
          └─── Utils/
          |   |
          |   └ assertions.js
          |   |
          |   └ localStorage.js
          └ commands.js
          └ index.js
          └ locators.js