
The theme for 403page.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontity theme: fourothree-theme

403Page Labs

Fourothree-theme is a node package for Frontity based on 403page.com. It started it's life as TwentyTwenty, an incredible port of the default Wordpress theme for Frontity by Segun Adebayo.


  • The logo is set in /src/components/header.js
  • The Instagram, Gmail and Twitter links are set in /src/components/footer.js. Same for the plain text email address.
  • There's PLENTY more to do, including optimisations, cleanup, addition of more features. Suggestions are welcome.

TO INSTALL: Run this in your Frontity project:

npm i @fourothreepage/fourothree-theme --save

Then update your frontity.settings.js so that the package name is fourothree-theme (instead of whichever theme is set there already).

QUESTIONS/SUGGESTIONS? Head over to https://community.frontity.org/

Github: https://github.com/403pagelabs/fourothree-theme

Twitter: https://twitter.com/403pagedotcom

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/403pagedotcom/

Email: labs@403page.com

URL: https://403page.com