Storefront Backend Project

This project is a backend storefront for website that can make user register and create orders with a specifics products, the project was made as requirement project for udacity

Getting Started

This repo contains storefront backend application

Technologies Stack

The Following technologies stack was used in this project:

  • PostgresSQL
  • dotenv
  • Node/Express
  • db-migrate
  • Json Web Token (JWT)
  • Bcrypt
  • jasmine from npm for testing

Setup the Database

Create the database for both dev and test to start the application

  • Connect to the base route in postgres psql -U postgres
  • Create a user if with the credential CREATE USER postgres WITH PASSWORD postgres;
  • Create Databases for dev CREATE DATABASE "Storefront-database";
  • Create Database for test CREATE DATABASE "Storefront-database_test";

Environment Variables


Steps to start the application

  • Install the required packages yarn
  • Run the script to run all migrations: yarn table:run
  • To start the application: yarn start
  • For testing it will build and migrate and start jasmine by this script: yarn test


  • Install dependencies: yarn
  • To start the server: yarn start
  • To start the server with nodemon: yarn dev
  • To start the test with jasmine: yarn test it will run build before start and migrate test db
  • To run all migration files: yarn table:run
  • To revert the migration: yarn table:down

API Requirement

Check the for the data shape and the endpoint as required