
	zuowen_gen.rb _csv/new-2011.csv
	zuowen_gen.rb _csv/new-2009.csv


修改文章模版 views/post-eruby.html

generate index.html for website


gen-index-oop.rb _output

to change layout, customize views/index-eruby.html

how to make a proper
in kramdown

Notice that a line break in the source does not mean a line break in the output (due to the lazy syntax)!. If you want to have an explicit line break (i.e. a
tag) you need to end a line with two or more spaces or two backslashes! Note, however, that a line break on the last text line of a paragraph is not possible and will be ignored. Leading and trailing spaces will be stripped from the paragraph text. http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/syntax.html

I decided not to regeneate all plain text files just to get a correct br tag. Without line break, the aritcle info line in html file is more compact.
