This tool watches a volume mounted configmap directory and kubernetes events for services with annotations labeled "" for Prometheus alerting rules. If they are found they are validated and placed into two files (one for annotations and one for configmaps) then the passed enpoint is hit.


  • -cmrules - Takes a filename where you would like the configmap rules to be written
  • -svrules - Takes a filename where you would like the service annotation rules to be written
  • -map - Path where the configmap is mounted
  • -endpoint - Endpoint to make a bodyless POST request to (Prometheus uses /-/reload)

All of these parameters will by default use the following envriomental variables:

  • cmrules defaults to 'CM_RULES_LOCATION'
  • svrules defaults to 'SV_RULES_LOCATION'
  • map defaults to 'CONFIG_MAP_LOCATION'
  • endpoint defaults to 'PROMETHEUS_RELOAD_ENDPOINT'

for example:

./PrometheusRuleLoader -cmrules ./cmrules.rules -svrules ./svrules.rules -map ./config -endpoint http://prometheus.cluster.local/-/reload

Service Annotations

The annotation supports either a json string or a json array. The annotation must have the key ""


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: fakeservice
  namespace: default
    app: fake
  annotations: |
      - ALERT TooManyFoosTooFast
        IF sum(rate(fooCounter[1m])) > 1
        FOR 1m
        LABELS { severity = "critical" }
          description = "Rate of foo very high ({{ $value }})."
      - ALERT TooManyLogsTooFast
        IF sum(rate(logCounter[1m])) > 1
        FOR 1m
        LABELS { severity = "warning" }
          description = "Rate of log very high ({{ $value }})."
    - name: foo
      port: 80
    app: foo

Other Notes

Every rule is verified and only ones that pass are added to the configuration files. If you see a rule failing to pass you can use the promtool that ships with prometheus to verify it.