iOS doesn't have a drop down menu by default. Developers are supposed to use the UIPickerView
for similar functionality. Project design constraints may sometimes however necessitate the use of such a menu. This class is a subclass of UIView
that has a UITableView
embedded in it. It provides the functionality needed to show a drop down menu below any UIView
and is customizable using various properties.
CocoaPods is the preferred way to install this library. Add this command to your Podfile
pod 'ASJDropDownMenu'
Creating one is simple. The show method has a completion block which returns the selected item. You may hide the drop down there and then:
ASJDropDownMenu *dropDownMenu = [[ASJDropDownMenu alloc] initWithView:aView menuItems:anArrayOfASJDropDownMenuItems];
[dropDown showMenuWithCompletion:^(ASJDropDownMenu *dropDownMenu, ASJDropDownMenuItem *menuItem, NSUInteger index)
[dropDownMenu hideMenu];
Whichever view you provide during instantiation, the dropdown will appear exactly below it. The menu items need to be of type ASJDropDownMenuItem
s. Constructor methods are provided to generate them. Just attach an array of these to your drop down menu instance.
ASJDropDownMenuItem *itemWithTitle = [ASJDropDownMenuItem itemWithTitle:@"a title"];
ASJDropDownMenuItem *anotherItemWithTitle = [ASJDropDownMenuItem itemWithTitle:@"another title"];
anInstanceOfDropDownMenu.menuItems = @[itemWithTitle, anotherItemWithTitle];
ASJDropDownMenuItem *itemWithSubtitle = [ASJDropDownMenuItem itemWithTitle:@"a title" subtitle:@"a subtitle" image:anImage];
ASJDropDownMenuItem *anotherItemWithSubtitle = [ASJDropDownMenuItem itemWithTitle:@"another title" subtitle:@"another subtitle" image:anotherImage];
anInstanceOfDropDownMenu.menuItems = @[itemWithSubtitle, anotherItemWithSubitle];
There are a few properties that you can use to customize the drop down menu:
@property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) UIColor *menuColor;
@property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) UIColor *itemColor;
@property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) UIFont *itemFont;
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat itemHeight;
@property (assign, nonatomic) ASJDropDownMenuScrollIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle;
The indicator style uses the default UIScrollView
indicator styles; default, black and white. If you want to set a custom color to the scroll indicator, you can look up ASJColoredScrollIndicators.
- Animation to open and close.
Provision to add images.- Provision to close on item selection.
- Option to open the drop down in up or down direction.
- Move the screen to accomodate the drawer when keyboard shows.
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.