Aarogya Access


Healthcare is essential in daily life. Unfortunately, consultation with a doctor can be difficult to obtain, especially if we need advice on non-life threatening problems. The proposed idea is to create a system with Dialog Flow that can meet the patients requirements. Healthcare chatbot is built with medical applications having the potential to reduce healthcare cost and improves accessibility to medical knowledge by a simple chat through method. Chatbots are useful for patients and for those who want to learn more about health. The real benefit of the chatbot is to provide advice and information for an healthy life. A text-to-text diagnosis engages patients in conversation about their medical issues and provides a personalized diagnosis based on their symptoms and also sets appointment for the user. Hence, people will have an idea about their health and have the right protection and prevention.

Start Page

Login Page (Screenshot of Errors When Directly Clicked the 'Sign In' Button)

Registration Page

Chat Page