
3D Gaussian Splatting Converter: A tool to seamlessly convert 3DGS .ply files to a Cloud Compare-friendly format and vice-versa. Features include RGB coloring, density filtering, and flyer removal for enhanced point cloud editing.

Primary LanguagePython

3D Gaussian Splatting Converter

A tool for converting 3D Gaussian Splatting .ply files into a format suitable for Cloud Compare and vice-versa. Enhance your point cloud editing with added functionalities like RGB coloring, density filtering, and flyer removal.


  • Format Conversion: Seamlessly switch between 3DGS .ply and Cloud Compare-friendly .ply formats.
  • RGB Coloring: Add RGB values to your point cloud for better visualization and editing in Cloud Compare.
  • Density Filtering: Focus on the dense regions of your point cloud by removing sparse data.
  • Flyer Removal: Get rid of unwanted outliers or floating points in your dataset. Especially useful when combined with the density filter due to its intensive nature.


Here are some basic examples to get you started:

  1. Conversion from 3DGS to Cloud Compare format with RGB addition:
    python 3dgsconverter.py -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --rgb
  2. Conversion from Cloud Compare format back to 3DGS::
    python 3dgsconverter.py -i input_cc.ply -o output_3dgs.ply -f 3dgs
  3. Applying Density Filter during conversion::
    python 3dgsconverter.py -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --density_filter
  4. Applying Density Filter and Removing floaters during conversion::
    python 3dgsconverter.py -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --density_filter --remove fliers

For a full list of parameters and their descriptions, you can use the -h or --help argument:

python 3dgsconverter.py -h

Debug Information

As of the current version, the converter outputs a significant amount of debug information to the console during execution. This is intended for troubleshooting and to provide insights into the conversion process. Future versions may include a switch to toggle these debug messages on or off.


Feel free to open issues or PRs if you have suggestions or improvements for this tool!