
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

iCopy Version 0.2.0-Beta.6.7


iCopy Telegram-Bot Programming Language Version License DATABASE Stars

Requirements for Heroku Deployment

  1. Heroku CLI
  2. Latest git Installed on ur PC.

Deployment to Heroku

  1. First U should have a Heroku Account

  2. Go to heroku and Create a New app

  3. And then add a Config Var RCLONE_CONFIG as /app/rclone.conf

  4. Go to the build packs section in settings and click add buildpack and enter "https://github.com/Nenokkadine/Fclone-BuildPack.git" as buildpack url then click save changes.

  5. Add Another Build Pack "Python" Which will be Available there.

    After Updating Everything It Should Look like this


  6. Now git clone https://github.com/Nenokkadine/ICopy-Heroku.git && cd ICopy-Heroku

  7. Copy Your Service Accounts to accounts folder

  8. Edit config/conf.toml With MongoDB URL and Bot Token etc. (Description for everything is Provided there)

  9. Copy a Remote u Created Using FClone/GClone to rclone.conf and Dont forget to Give the same name of the Remote config/conf.toml

  10. Open rclone config and edit service_account_file_path = /app/accounts/ as the json paths (Refer Rclone.conf Available in this Repo)

  11. Now Open Terminal/CMD in the same location

  12. Now Type the following Commands

git init
heroku login
git add .
heroku git:remote -a YOURAPPNAME
git commit -am "make it new"
git push heroku master
  1. Now go to resourses section and Turn the Worker ON

Bot Commands

Bot Commands


iCopy - fxxkrlab Fclone - Mawaya