
Read the text available on a file descriptor one line at a time. [11/2019] [macOS]

Primary LanguageC


Calling your function get_next_line in a loop reads the text available on a file descriptor one line at a time until the EOF. Bonus : succeed get_next_line with a single static variable, and be able to manage multiple file descriptor.

int get_next_line(int fd, char **line);


  • fd = file descriptor to read from
  • line = a string pointer to write in

Return value

  • 1 : A line has been read
  • 0 : EOF has been reached
  • -1 : An error happened

-> Compile with gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -D BUFFER_SIZE=32 get_next_line*.c (or whatever BUFFER_SIZE you prefer. Go nuts!)

Written in november 2019.