
My own little raytracer! [12/2019-01/2020] [macOS]

Primary LanguageC


My image

My own little Raytracer!

Generate images using the Raytracing protocol. Those computer generated images will each represent a scene, as seen from a specific angle and position, defined by simple geometric objects, and each with its own lighting system.

My image


  • R(esolution) xRenderSize yRenderSize
  • A(mbientLightning) ratio(0.0-1.0) R, G, B
  • C(amera) x, y, z(coordinatesOfViewPoint) 0,0,1(3dNormalizedVector[-1,1]forEach x,y,z axis) FOV(0-180)
  • l(ight) x, y, z(coordinatesOfLightPoint) Brightness[0.0-1.0] R, G, B
  • sp(ere) x, y, z(coordinatesOfCenter) Diameter R, G, B
  • pl(ane) x, y, z(coordinates) 0,0,1(3dNormalizedVector[-1,1]forEach x,y,z axis) R, G, B
  • sq(uare) x, y, z(coordinatesOfCenter) 0,0,1(3dNormalizedVector[-1,1]forEach x,y,z axis) sideSize R, G, B
  • cy(linder) x, y, z(coordinatesOfCenter) 0,0,1(3dNormalizedVector[-1,1]forEach x,y,z axis) diameter height R, G, B
  • tr(iangle) x, y, z(coordinatesOfPoint1) x, y, z(coordinatesOfPoint2) x, y, z(coordinatesOfPoint3) R, G, B

(There's a few sample .rt files in the RT_FILES folder.)


  • any key = open snippet view !
  • press 'end' = switch btw elements;
  • c = camera1;
  • v = camera2;
  • 12 on top = light_size++ / light_size--;
  • 12 on the right = object_size++ / object_size--;
  • adws = translation control for obj && camera;
  • arrows = rotation control for obj && camera;
  • jlik = height and diameter augmentation/reduction;
  • +- = camera or obj forward/backward;
  • m = ambiant light
  • rgbs = red/blue/green/sepia filter
  • return = load image;

Prerequisite: have minilibx installed.

./miniRT rt_file.rt [-save to save image as .bmp]

My image

Many thanks to Nicolas Boneel for his wonderful raytracing course : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYhrx9bzP8

Written in december 2019/january 2020.

My image My image My image My image