
A teeny tiny shell built by rturcey and I. [summer 2020] [Ubuntu18]

Primary LanguageC


A teeny tiny shell built by rturcey and esoulard.

Includes an awesome tester initially posted by our 42 collegue sdunkel and to which we added everything we could!

A lovely simili shell with:

  • custom prompt,
  • executable launch with either a relative or absolute path,
  • built-in commands:
    • echo with option -n
    • cd with a relative or absolute path
    • pwd
    • export
    • unset
    • env
    • exit
  • separation of commandes with ;
  • single and double quote handling,
  • < , > and >> redirections
  • pipes and pipelines
  • environment variables
  • exit status of last cmd with $?
  • signal handling of ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\

Written in summer 2020.