
Handling shared memory usage by multiple threads and processes with the classic Dining Philosophers Problem. [11/2020] [macOS]

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Handling shared memory usage by multiple threads and processes with the classic Dining Philosophers Problem.

./philoNB number_of_philosophers time_to_die time_to_eat time_to_sleep number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat(option)

(times are given in milliseconds)


  • Philosophers eat, then sleep, then think.
  • There are as many forks as philosophers.
  • A philosopher needs 2 forks in order to eat.
  • Philosopher don't know when another is about to die
  • Each time a philosopher has finished eating, he will drop his forks and start sleeping.
  • The simulation stops when a philosopher dies
  • If a philosopher doesn’t start eating ’time_to_die’ milliseconds after starting his last meal or the beginning of the simulation, it dies
  • There must be less than 10ms between the death of a philosopher and the corresponding printed message


  • One fork between each philosopher, therefore there will be a fork at the right and at the left of each philosopher.
  • Each fork should be protected by a mutex
  • Each philosopher should be a thread.


  • All forks are in the middle of the table
  • They have no states in memory but the number of available forks is represented by a semaphore.
  • Each philosopher should be a thread.


  • All forks are in the middle of the table
  • They have no states in memory but the number of available forks is represented by a semaphore.
  • Each philosopher should be a process and the main process shouldn't be a philosopher.

Written in november 2020.