
lib_c_matrix Matrix Vectorial Equations or Algorithms implemented in a C Library (CREATIVE COMMONS 0 - Public Domain Dedication / by Thomas LE MIGNAN)

lib_c_matrix First Release = v.1.0.0 (14th january of 2014) by Thomas LE MIGNAN (from 42 school - Paris)

Time and Space Equations (8) :

** Absolute this in a tri-dimensional matrix ! ** Vectorial movement in a tridimensional matrix ! ** Vector and Scalar product ! ** Plan use in a tridimensional matrix !

French :

Note de l'auteur : Thomas LE MIGNAN

Tous les fichiers présents sont distribués sous Licence Creative Commons 0 : Public Domain Dedication.

N'oubliez pas la Terre. N'oubliez pas l'Humanité.

English/US :

Author's Note: Thomas LE Mignan

All files are distributed under Creative Commons License 0: Public Domain Dedication.

Do not forget the Earth. Do not forget Mankind.

lib_c_matrix Matrix Vectorial Equations or Algorithms implemented in a C Library (CREATIVE COMMONS 0 - Public Domain Dedication / by Thomas LE MIGNAN)