
Physics Equations implemented in a C Library (CREATIVE COMMONS 0 - Public Domain Dedication / by Thomas LE MIGNAN)

lib_c_physics First Release = v.1.0.0 (11th january of 2014) by Thomas LE MIGNAN (from 42 school - Paris)

Physics Equations (37) :

** Mass and weight calculation ! ** Volumic Mass calculation ! ** Volume calculation ! ** Speed and acceleration calculation ! ** Cinetic energy calculation ! ** Convert some stuff ! ** Perimeter calculation ! ** Surface calculation ! ** Statistics calculation ! ** Make absolute values ! ** Comprehensive angle ! ** Gravitational laws ! ** Comprehensive acceleration vector ! ** Comprehensive Archimede ! ** Comprehensive Friction forces ! ** Comprehensive Object Trajectory ! ** Calculation from 2 points in a tridimensional matrix !

French :

Note de l'auteur : Thomas LE MIGNAN

Tous les fichiers présents sont distribués sous Licence Creative Commons 0 : Public Domain Dedication.

N'oubliez pas la Terre. N'oubliez pas l'Humanité. Don't forget Earth. Don't forget Mankind.

English/US :

Author's Note: Thomas LE Mignan

All files are distributed under Creative Commons License 0: Public Domain Dedication.

Do not forget the Earth. Do not forget mankind. Do not forget Earth. Do not forget Mankind.

Physics Equations implemented in a C Library (CREATIVE COMMONS 0 - Public Domain Dedication / by Thomas LE MIGNAN)