Please backup your existing wallet files (~/.Vanillacoin/data/ folder). I can't be responsible if you broke something.
sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl curl git-core screen -y
Be sure to have enough Swap to avoid 'Virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory'. Raspbian default Swap size is 100mb, please increase the size before building.
Check Swap size:
free -m
Example with 1024mb as Swap size:
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Edit the file:
Save & restart dphys-swapfile:
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
As user:
cd ~
bash < <(curl -s
Install script auto launch vanillacoind at the end. Resume the screen session with:
screen -x vanillacoind
Ctrl-a Ctrl-d to detach
Be sure there's no vanillacoind running before !
ps x | grep '[v]anillacoind'
To launch:
cd ~/vanillacoin/
screen -d -S vanillacoind -m ./vanillacoind
As user: You must be in the vanillacoin/ folder before running the update script !
cd ~/vanillacoin/
bash < <(curl -s
Previous binaries are saved in the backup/ dir.
As user: Autostart Vanillacoin daemon on reboot with crontab:
crontab -e
Add this entry (edited with your username):
@reboot pgrep vanillacoind > /dev/null || cd /home/your_username/vanillacoin && screen -d -S vanillacoind -m ./vanillacoind
save & check crontab:
crontab -l
Then do a reboot test.