
SportX -- a VideoListPlayer

Primary LanguageC++



An awesome outdoor enthusiast video player app
Explore the Repo

About The APP

mainwindow listset

Built With


Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Ensure that you have install g++ that supports C++11 and Qt5.15.2 in your computer

Installation (two ways)

1. From GitHub

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/454270186/XJCO2811_UserInterface.git

2. From Source Code

Download the latest source code and decompress

How to run

  1. Open *.pro qmeke config file with QT Creator

  2. Set up working directory of Project ----- IMPORTANT!!!

    After opening QT Creator, click on the Projects button on the right side.

    In Run Settings, set the Working directory to the QT build folder (This is very important!!):

  3. Click on the Run button in the bottom right corner

Keyboard Shortcuts

SportX provides many keyboard shortcuts:


  • w: increase volume
  • s: decrease volume
  • a: Switch to the previous video
  • d: Switch to the next video
  • p: Play / Pause
  • esc: Switch to List Edit Window

List Edit Window

  • F1: Add new list
  • F2: Switch to FAQ page
  • Caps Lock: Switch Chinese/English
  • Enter: Submit / Edit
  • Shift: Delete
  • tab: Keyboard Navigation
  • esc: Switch to FAQ

FAQ Window

  • space: Turn on Screen Reader
  • esc: Switch back to List Edit Window
  • Caps Lock: Switch Chinese/English
