
Docker to develop plugins for ATAK

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is created to support the possibility to set an Linux-like Android Development environment to compile ATAK (Android Tactical Awareness Kit) plugins for specific version.


ATAK Dev zip location
ATAK - Github - release
ATAK - TAK.gov
ATAK - TAK.gov
ATAK - TAK.gov

Who to create your image and container

Fork or clone the repository.

Set up image

Ensure that you have docker on your machine .Go to the folder where the Dockerfile is and launch the command :

docker build -t <image_name> .

The image take time to be created due to download of some part of the minimum required tools.

Set up plugins folder

create or move the folder plugins present in each directory where your plugins are. By default plugins folder have the plugintemplate.

Set up container

docker run -it -t <image_name>

The docker run command will create the container by attaching the volume defined in local to the subdirectory in the atak release you define.

Final test

In the docker environment you can test if the environment is correctly set by launching :

./gradlew assembleCivDebug
./gradlew assembleCivRelease

Content of Dockerfile