
This package implements the Behavior2Vec algorithm introduced in the following paper. Please cite the paper if you find this package useful.

Chen, Hung-Hsuan. "Behavior2Vec: Generating Distributed Representations of Users’ Behaviors on Products for Recommender Systems." ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 12.4 (2018).


    title={Behavior2Vec: Generating Distributed Representations of Users’ Behaviors on Products for Recommender Systems},
    author={Chen, Hung-Hsuan},
    journal={ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)},

Paper download:

Sample usage (with caution):

>>> import behavior2vec
>>> model = behavior2vec.Behavior2Vec()
>>> model.train('./data/sample_data.txt')  # log file, one line per user (session)
>>> model.most_similar_behavior('v-100', 'p', k=5)  # predict most similar p-type (purchasing) behavior to 'v-100' (view item 100)
>>> model.most_similar_item('100', k=5) # predict most similar items to item 100

How to install:

python install

Command line tools:

After installation, you may run the following scripts directly (tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and OS X El Capitan).

To generate the Behavior2Vec model, run: [train-file]

This will generate a model file of the name [train-file]-b2v-model.pck under the same directory.

To show the most similar behavior, run: [test-file] [model-file] [output-file] [k] [behavior-type]

The [test-file] contains a list of query behaviors, one behavior per line.

The [output-file] is the output file, which contains a list of the top [k] most simiar behaviors

To show the most similar items, run: [test-file] [model-file] [output-file] [k]

The [test-file] contains a list of query items, one behavior per line. The [output-file] is the output file, which contains a list of the top [k] most simiar items