
A simple ransomware defender.It uses minifilter to filt "rewrite" and "delete" events in kernel.And it handles event in user mode.

Primary LanguageC


A simple ransomware defender for windows.

How does it work ?

It uses minifilter to filt "rewrite" and "delete" events with filename's suffix in kernel.And it handles events in user mode by counting a process's behavior in 30s.If a process tried to delete or rewrite more than 5 files in 30 seconds,it will display a notice messagebox.

How much can it do now ?

Defend all ransomware so far,unless it bypasses us by following ways.

How to bypass protector ?

  • rewrite(or delete) less than 5 files in 30s.
  • rename a file then rewrite(or delete) it.
  • kill user mode handler.
  • add itself to whitelist.
  • repeatly rewrite(or delete) a file in new process.
  • ransomware injects explorer.exe then delete or rewrite files.

How to avoid bypass ?

  1. detach file type in kernel instead of matching suffix.
  2. protect user handler and user mode whitelist file.
  3. verify certification of a execution program,if it is signed,pass it,if not,record process tree,check if tree is trusted.
  4. protect injection by other defender.

How to use it ?

From now on,I have no certification for driver.So it's a test demo. Firstly,install the driver by loadMiniFilterDriver.exe loadMiniFilterDriver.exe install dp \path\to\dataproctorDriver.sys

Then run dataproctorUser.exe.


avoid bypass method.