
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Marvel app: Platzi master project

This repo is the result of a one week project from platzi master.

Getting Started

These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You must have installed node.js in your computer, see the link for more info on how to get started with node.


Once you make sure that you have node.js installed globally in your computer the next step is to either clone this repository to you computer or to download the project.

Up next you'll need to use preferred command console and make sure that you are on the right folder (That would be the main folder of the project the one that has this readme file in it)

Now we are ready.

firstly run the next command

npm install

this will install the dependencies from the package.json

After we are done installing dependencies we'll need to create a file called '.env'

touch .env

Then will write in this file our database connection and if we wish to we could also tell the app in which port to run but that is optional. Check out the 'env.example' file so that you get a better idea on how to configurate your own file

Finally we can run this command

npm run dev

If we wish to run the server with a developer configuration.

Or alternatively use this command

npm start

Additionally yo can run

npm test

Just to see if everything is running as expected.

Backend/API endpoints

Backend made with Express.


Create a user

method: POST

route: /api/user/register


	"username": String,
    "email": String,
    "password" String

Posible errors:


if any of the three elements is missing or the info doesn't match the regex


If the username or email is already in use.

In case that something goes wrong with te data base and you user was not created then you'll get the following message: "There was a problem creating your user"


Status code: 201

	"Message": "User created"

Loggin a user

method: POST

route: /api/user/login


	"username": String,
    "password" String

Posible errors:


if any of the two elements is missing or the info doesn't match the regex


If there is not an account with the username that was given.

If the password doesn't match the one that is linked to the username


Status code: 200

	"jwt": String

Get one user's favorite comics

method: GET

route: /api/user/favorites

Athorization Bearer Token: jwt

Posible errors:


if you don't have a bearer token


If your bearer token has expired


This shouldn't since there is no reason for the token to be modifed but:

If the id of the user is incorrect you'll get "User not found"


Status code: 200

	"favorites": List[
        "title": String,
        "description": String,
        "image": String,
        "publish": String,
        "coverArtist": String,
        "penciler": String,
        "writer": String

Add comics to a user's favorite comics

method: POST

route: /api/user/favorites

Athorization Bearer Token: jwt


        "title": String,
        "description": String,
        "image": String,
        "publish": String,
        "coverArtist": String,
        "penciler": String,
        "writer": String

Posible errors:


if you don't have a bearer token


If your bearer token has expired


If one of the comics that you are trying to add has the same title as one that is already in your list of favorites

This shouldn't since there is no reason for the token to be modifed but:

If the id of the user is incorrect you'll get "User not found"


Status code: 200

	"Message": "Comic added to user"

Remove comics to a user's favorite comics

method: DELETE

route: /api/user/favorites

Athorization Bearer Token: jwt


        "title": String,
        "description": String,
        "image": String,
        "publish": String,
        "coverArtist": String,
        "penciler": String,
        "writer": String

Posible errors:


if you don't have a bearer token


If your bearer token has expired


If the comic list that is supposed to be removed is empty

If one of the comics that you are trying to add has the same title as one that is already in your list of favorites

This shouldn't since there is no reason for the token to be modifed but:

If the id of the user is incorrect you'll get "User not found"


Status code: 200

	"Message": "Comic removed"


Both loggin and Sign up

method: GET

route: /api/auth/google

Success: Redirect to: /api/auth/register

Status code: 200

	"jwt": String


Get comics of a given hero

method: GET

route: /api/comics/

Athorization Bearer Token: jwt

Param: heroname = String, numberComics = Number, offset = Number default: 0

Posible errors:


if you don't have a bearer token


If your bearer token has expired


If the name of the hero you gave doesn't match any on marvel's api


Status code: 200

            "heroName": String,
            "heroDescription": String,
            "heroImage": String

    "comicsArray": List[
            "title": String,
            "description": String,
            "image": String,
            "publish": String,
            "coverArtist": String,
            "penciler": String,
            "writer": String
    "offset": Number

Get random comics

method: GET

route: /api/comics/randoms

Athorization Bearer Token: jwt

Param: numberComics = number of comics that you want to get

Status code: 200

    "comicsArray": List[
            "title": String,
            "description": String,
            "image": String,
            "publish": String,
            "coverArtist": String,
            "penciler": String,
            "writer": String


  • Jorge Alberto Delgadilo Alonso