
This is a platzi master project

Primary LanguagePython

Dashboard Empresarial

This repo is the result of a one week project from platzi master.

Getting Started

Being a Django project it would be advisable to start by install everything in our requirements.txt. I recommend doing the installation in a virtual environment. I would recommend to run this first on its own:

pip install django 


pip install -r requirements.txt

Or alternatively with:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


We are using postgreSQL 13 which means that you will need to have it installed in whatever place or environment that you wish to run this project in.

We are also using postgis which allows us to save location based data in our database.

DB creation and set up

First make sure that your postgres service is runing.

then access to psql. On ubuntu you can run these commands:

sudo su - postgres

Now we should be able to straight up run this:

CREATE DATABASE 'databasename';

Connect to the database with:

\c 'databasename';

Let's allow our data base to use PostGIS


Create a user and grant it full access to the data base

create user 'your user' with password 'your password';

grant all privileges on database 'databasename' to 'your user';

More prerequisites

If you open the next file /CSVPROYECTO/CSVPROYECTO/settings.py and look at the DATABASES variable you'll notice that We're using .env variables, this file and the variables within it to need to be created by you.

example of a variable in the .env file: DB_NAME='the name of your data base'


Locate yourself in the folder that you have manage.py in and run

python manage.py makemigrations


python3 manage.py makemigrations

Follow that with:

python3 manage.py makemigrations

Lastly run:

python3 manage.py runserver


  • Jorge Alberto Delgadilo Alonso