This project delivers and API as was asked from softtek .
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Python 3 installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd softtek-prueba-tecnica
# Create virtual enviroment
$ python -m venv .env
# Enter the virtual enviroment
$ source .env/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# install project modules (This is needed beacause we dont use relative imports)
$ pip install -e .
# run this command to run our tests
$ pytest
# run the following command to turn on the server
$ cd src/ && flask --app prueba_tecnica run
-- Post -- Expected request body:
"data": [
-- Expected response, example:
"order_number": str,
"order_number": str,
-- Possible errors:
- 405: If type of request is invalid
- 400: If the information given was invalid
-- Post -- Expected request body:
"data": [
-- Expected response, example:
"112-5230502-8173028": "Winter",
"112-7714081-3300254": "Spring",
-- Possible errors:
- 405: If type of request is invalid
- 400: If the information given was invalid
-- Post -- Expected request body:
"data": [
-- Expected response, example:
-- Possible errors:
- 405: If type of request is invalid
- 400: If the information given was invalid