
Full Database Migration Tool based on Alibaba DataX 3.0

Primary LanguageJava


DataX-Migration is Full Database Migration Tool based on Alibaba DataX 3.0. Support Database Migration among Mysql, Oracle, SqlServer, PostgreSql. And support where condition when migration.
DataX-Migration 是基于阿里巴巴DataX 3.0的数据库迁移工具。支持对Mysql,Oracle,SqlServer, PostgreSql之间的相互迁移, 支持迁移时带where查询条件,并生成迁移数据报表。


DataX 是阿里巴巴集团内被广泛使用的离线数据同步工具/平台,实现包括 MySQL、Oracle、SqlServer、Postgre、HDFS、Hive、ADS、HBase、OTS、ODPS 等各种异构数据源之间高效的数据同步功能。
DataX 在阿里巴巴集团内被广泛使用,承担了所有大数据的离线同步业务,并已持续稳定运行了6年之久。目前每天完成同步8w多道作业,每日传输数据量超过300TB。

DataX-Framework 关于更详细的介绍请看这里:https://github.com/alibaba/DataX/wiki/DataX-Introduction




DataX-Migration 能根据用户配置数据库表tables的查询条件,生成这些数据库表的单独的DataX json配置,然后启动DataX的脚本来开始这些表的数据迁移,并生成相应的cvs报表。当表的数量过多时,可以配置切分策略来划分出多个线程来同时做迁移已加快迁移数据。

DataX-Migration Report

Support Data Channels


类型 数据源 Reader(读) Writer(写) 文档
RDBMS 关系型数据库 MySQL
            Oracle         √         √    
阿里云数仓数据存储 ODPS
无结构化数据存储 TxtFile


Quick Start

1. download [DataX可以运行的bin下载地址](http://datax-opensource.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/datax.tar.gz)
2. git clone https://github.com/Jawf/datax-migration.git (也可从下面的链接直接下载)
3. mvn clean install
4. copy target/datax-migration.jar and target/datax-migration_lib to datax/ home directory.
5. open the datax-migration.jar, edit the config.properties, config migration db information source/target url, dbname, user, password, etc.
6. open the datax-migration.jar, edit the job/jobtemplate.json accordingly, default it migration from mysqlreader->mysqlwriter
7. java -jar datax-migration.jar

Special Function

java -jar datax-migration.jar json #Only generate json files config for all tables, may required to modify the reader and writer or columns accordingly.
java -jar datax-migration.jar report #Only generate cvs report to view migration status.
java -jar datax-migration.jar run #Only run the migration and generate the cvs reports. Before run this, need generate json config files for all tables first.

Config.properties Detail Properties

Properties Name Mandatory Config Value Sample Remark
source.db.url * jdbc:mysql:// 迁移源数据库连接url
source.db.name * sourcedbname 源数据库名
source.db.username * username 源数据库连接用户名
source.db.password * password 源数据库连接密码
target.db.url * jdbc:mysql:// 迁移目标数据库名
target.db.name * targetdbname 目标数据库名
target.db.username * username 目标数据库连接用户名
target.db.password * password 目标数据库连接密码
source.db.global.where.clause orgId='410e7127-d969-4e0b-8326-4828182363cc' global where clause to filter the migration data, the clause also be used in get status of report, ensure it able to be run in source and target db
source.db.global.where.second.clause userid in (select id from CORE_USERPROFILE where orgid='d7f8dffb-8ae9-4a97-857b-59f395942781') if the source table contain the column in where clause, will use the first where clause and ignore the second. if the source table does not contain the column in the where clause, but contain column in the second clause, will use the second clause and igonre the first clause. if the source table does not contain both where column, will ignore both
migration.query.target.tables.sql * select ut.table_name from information_schema.tables ut where ut.table_schema='targetdbname' and ut.table_type='base table' target db query sql: select migration tables
migration.query.target.table.columns.sql * select column_name from information_schema.columns t where table_schema='targetdbname' and table_name='{0}' target db query sql: select migration table columns
migration.query.target.table.primarykeys.sql * select column_name from information_schema.columns t where column_key='pri' and table_name='{0}' #target db query sql: select migration table primary keys
migration.query.source.tables.status.sql * select ut.table_name,(ut.data_length+ut.index_length)/1024/1024 as size_MB, ut.table_rows from information_schema.tables ut where ut.table_schema='targetdbname' and ut.table_type='base table' order by size_MB desc; must contain 1:tablename,2:size,3:numOfRows. And must order by size desc.
migration.datax.channel.multiple true mutiple channel used within one job to speed the migration, 2 channel will open 2*5 thread for one job. Caution: Mutiple channels may able to cause records consistency.
migration.datax.channel.2channels.records.over 1000000 if migration records more than this value, will use 2 channel in DataX json config. Caution: Mutiple channels may able to cause records consistency.
migration.error.continue true if got error whether terminate the running thread
migration.ingore.tables empty config ingore tables to ignore migration. empty=ignore none
migration.ingore.bigtables.size.than.mb 1 define the table size bigger than the value and ignore to migration. 1=igonre all tables that size > 1MB
migration.jobthread.split.type size job thread to group a number of tables in thread by split type, available value: index:tables list index in the cvs reports, size:table size
migration.jobthread.split.maxcount 40 job thread max tables, if between size:20-10 got 60 tables, will be grouped to 40,20. similar for split by index numbers. Adjust this value according to the big table size to encrease the migration speed.
migration.jobthread.split.tablesize.mb "40000,30000,20000,10000,5000,1000,500,200,100,50,20,10,1,0.4375,0.25,0.1875,0.125,0.0625" size unit is MB, split the table groups by table size, enabled when type=size
migration.jobthread.split.indexes "0,1,2,5,10,50,60,90,100,200,300,310" split the table groups by index, enabled when type=index

Feedback & Bug Report


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  • Email: homcto@gmail.com
  • Wechat: jawfneo
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1. config.properties 里面需要,替换sourcedbname, targetdbname,要用搜索替换:)   已有同学在此踩坑了..