
The final project for AI Security

Primary LanguagePython


The final project for DDA 6113 AI Security

Student Name: Jiajian Ma

Student ID: 222041049


This project is the implementation of my final project "Enhancing Generalization and Reducing Bias in Polyp Segmentation with Diffusion-Based Inpainting Models"

The overview of our data augmentation pipeline is shown below: image which includes 5 different components: Training Inpainting Model, Generating Inpainting Images, Pseudo-mask Refinement, Suitible cases selection, and Training Segmentation Model.

The high-level idea of our work is to leverage inpainting based augmentation method as a do-operator for causal and non-causal factor, which can help to break their association and enhance the generalization and reducing bias simutaneously. image

The framework of our proposed inpainting method is shown below: image image

Dataset & Model

The dataset and model we use in this project are available at baidupan:

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ku1pImibv5yhpwzebvT1WQ?pwd=czzk 提取码:czzk


In this link, the "data.zip" file contains all of the dataset we used and synthetic images that we generated in this project.

"data/SUN-SEG_10/TrainDataset_10" contains the training set we used for baseline segmentation model training and inpainting model training.

"data/SUN-SEG_10/SUN-SEG_10_val" contains the validation set we used for baseline segmentation model training and inpainting model training.

"data/SUN-SEG_10_test" contains the test set we used for internal segmentation model testing set.

"data/CVC-300", "data/CVC-ClinicDB", "data/Kvasir-SEG", "data/ETIS-LaribPolypDB" are external segmentation model testing sets.

"data/negatives" contains the negative background images we used for inpainting.

"data/SUN-SEG_10/multiple_controlnet_inpaint" contains all of the synthetic images we generated in this project, although we generate 5 folds, only use the 1st fold for further training:

  • "data/SUN-SEG_10/multiple_controlnet_inpaint/images" contain the synthetic images
  • "data/SUN-SEG_10/multiple_controlnet_inpaint/refined_masks" contain the refine pseudo-mask of the synthetic images
  • "data/SUN-SEG_10/multiple_controlnet_inpaint/initial_masks" contain the inpainted region of the synthetic images, which is used for pseudo-mask refinement.
  • "data/SUN-SEG_10/match_data/1_data.csv" contains the match data of the synthetic images and the original images, which is used for further training.


In this link, the folder "model" contains all of the models we used in this project.

"model/diffusion_and_controlnet" subfolder

"model/diffusion_and_controlnet" subfolder contains the inpainting model and controlnet model we used in this project.

"model/diffusion_and_controlnet/pretrained" contrains the pretrained inpainting model and controlnet modules, which is used in finetuning the inpainting model. (no need to download if you don't want to finetune the inpainting model)

"model/diffusion_and_controlnet/finetuned" contrains the finetuned inpainting model and controlnet modules, which is used in generating synthetic images.

  • "model/diffusion_and_controlnet/finetuned/inpaint_1e5" is the finetuned stable diffusion backbone model.
  • "model/diffusion_and_controlnet/finetuned/boundary_controlnet" is the finetuned boundary controlnet model.
  • "model/diffusion_and_controlnet/finetuned/surface_controlnet" is the finetuned surface controlnet model.

"model/refinement_network" and "model/segmentation" subfolder

"model/refinement_network" subfolder contains the pseudo-mask refinement network we used in this project.

Before running any code in the "Polyp-PVT" or "Polyp-PVT_box_guide" folder, please download the "pretrained_pth" to the corresponding folder.

"model/segmentation/model_pth" subfolder contains the baseline segmentation model and augmentation segmentation model we used in this project. can be used to test and verified our results.

"model/refinement_network/model_pth" subfolder contains the pseudo-mask refinement network we used in this project. can be used to refine the pseudo-mask.


please run the following code for environment setup:

git clone https://github.com/497662892/Ai-Security-Final-Project.git
cd Ai-Security-Final-Project
pip install -r requirements.txt

Training Inpainting Model


Before running the training code, please make sure you have downloaded the pretrained model in "model/diffusion_and_controlnet/pretrained" from our baidupan link.

You also need to update the concept list for validation via "diffuser/inpaint/concept_list/0430/make_concept_list.ipynb".

Please also update the path in the "diffuser/inpaint/bash/polyp/training_inpaint.sh" file.


To train the inpainting model, you can run the following command:

cd diffuser/inpaint
nohup bash bash/polyp/training_inpaint.sh  > "your training log path" &

Training Controlnet Model


Before running the training code, please make sure you have downloaded the pretrained model in "model/diffusion_and_controlnet/pretrained" from our baidupan link.

You also need to update the concept list for validation via "diffuser/controlnet/concept_list/0430/make_concept_list.ipynb".

Please also update the path in the "diffuser/controlnet/bash/train/polyp/train_multicontrolnet.sh" file.


To train the controlnet model, you can run the following command:

cd diffuser/controlnet
nohup bash bash/train/polyp/train_multicontrolnet.sh  > "your training log path" &

Visualization Inpainting Images

If you want to visualize the inpainting images, you can open the ipynb in "diffuser/controlnet/visualization/polyp/infer_multicontrolnet_inpaint.ipynb" and run the code.

It will generating inpainting images for visualization.

Generating Inpainting Images

To generate inpainting images, you need to modified the path in the file "diffuser/controlnet/bash/infer/polyp/infer_multiplecontrolnet.sh".

Then you can run the command below to generate inpainting images:

cd diffuser/controlnet
nohup bash bash/infer/polyp/infer_multiplecontrolnet.sh  > "your generating log path" &

Training Pseudo-mask Refinement network


Before running the training code, you need to download the pretrained model in "model/segmentation/pretrained_pth" from our baidupan link, to the path of "Polyp-PVT/pretrained_pth".


To train the pseudo-mask refinement network, you can run the following command, after changing the log path in the "train.sh" file:

cd Polyp-PVT_box_guide
nohup bash bash/polyp/train.sh  > "your training log path" &

Pseudo-mask Refinement

To refine the pseudo-mask of the synthetic images, you need to modified the batch_infer.sh:

python -W ignore batch_infer.py \
--images_root "the path of synthetic images" \
--coarse_mask_root "the path of inpainting region (initial/coarse mask)" \
--output_path "the root of output path" \
--condition_mask_root "the path of boundary conditions (the mask of the synthetic image)" \
--resolution 512 \
--iters 5 \
--testsize 352 \
--pth_path "the path of pseudo-mask refinement network" \
--pth_path_original "the path of baseline segmentation model" 

Then, run the following command, after changing the log path in the "batch_infer.sh" file:

cd Polyp-PVT_box_guide
nohup bash bash/polyp/refine.sh  > "your refinement log path" &

Suitible cases selection

After pseudo-mask refinement, please run the "build_merge_dataset.ipynb" to generate the match data for further training.

Please change the path in the "build_merge_dataset.ipynb" to the path of your device.

For case selection, you can simply change the "align_score_cutoff" in "Polyp-PVT/bash/polyp/aug/train_aug.sh"

Training Segmentation Model


Before running the training code, you need to download the pretrained model in "model/segmentation/pretrained_pth" from our baidupan link, to the path of "Polyp-PVT/pretrained_pth".


To train the baseline segmentation model, you can run the following command, after changing the log path in the "train.sh" file:

cd Polyp-PVT
nohup bash bash/polyp/baseline/train.sh  > "your training log path" &

To train the augmentation segmentation model, you can run the following command, after changing the log path in the "train_aug.sh" file:

cd Polyp-PVT
nohup bash bash/polyp/aug/train_aug.sh  > "your training log path" &

Tesing Segmentation Model

To test the segmentation model, you can run the following command, after changing the log path in the "test.sh" file:

cd Polyp-PVT
nohup bash bash/polyp/baseline/test.sh  > "your testing log path" &
cd Polyp-PVT
nohup bash bash/polyp/aug/test.sh  > "your testing log path" &

Results Analysis

To summary the results of our project, you can run the "fairness_analysis.ipynb", but attention to change the path of the results. It can automatically generate the results of the bias analysis and summary the performance of the segmentation model across different datasets.