Musings about the peakdetect functions by Sixten Bergman Note that this code should work with both python 2.7 and python3.x. All the peak detection functions in __all__ of will work on consistent waveforms, but only peakdetect.peakdetect can properly handle offsets. The most accurate method for pure sine seems to be peakdetect_parabola, which for a 50Hz sine wave lasting 0.1s with 10k samples has an error in the order of 1e-10, whilst a naive most extreme sample will have an error in the order of 7e-5 for the position and 4e-7 for the amplitude Do note that this accuracy most likely doesn't stay true for any real world data where you'll have noise and harmonics in the signal which may produce errors in the functions, which may be smaller or larger then the error of naively using the highest/lowest point in a local maxima/minima. The sine fit function seem to perform even worse than a just retrieving the highest or lowest data point and is as such not recommended. The reason for this as far as I can tell is that the scipy.optimize.curve_fit can't optimize the variables. For parabola fit to function well, it must be fitted to a small section of the peak as the curvature will start to mismatch with the function, but this also means that the parabola should be quite sensitive to noise FFT interpolation has between 0 to 2 orders of magnitude improvement over a raw peak fit. To obtain this improvement the wave needs to be heavily padded in length Spline seems to have similar performance to a FFT interpolation of the time domain. Spline does however seem to be better at estimating amplitude than the FFT method, but is unknown if this will hold true for wave-shapes that are noisy. It should also be noted that the errors as given in "Missmatch data.txt" generated by the test routine are for pure functions with no noise, so the only error being reduced by the "non-raw" peakdetect functions are errors stemming low time resolution and are in no way an indication of how the functions can handle any kind of noise that real signals will have. Automatic tests for sine fitted peak detection is disabled due to it's problems Avoid using the following functions as they're questionable in performance: peakdetect_sine peakdetect_sine_locked