Flask API + VanillaJS Application for profesional development

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  • Extensive documentation here.
  • Support for Front-End vanillajs and backend Flask API
  • Integrated with Pipenv for package managing.
  • Fast deloyment to heroku with $ pipenv run deploy.
  • Use of .env file (persistent enviromental variables).
  • SQLAlchemy integration for database abstraction.

How to Start the Project?

💻 Back-End: There is an example API working with an example database. All your API code should be written inside the ./src/api folder.

  • src/api/routes.py (it's where your endpoints should be coded)
  • src/api/models.py (your database tables and serialization logic)
  • src/api/utils.py (some reusable classes and functions)

All your application endpoints will be published under the ./api/ sub-path, for example:

POST /people   → will become →   POST /api/people

🎨Front-End: All your front-end code must go inside ./src/front and the entry javascript file is located at src/front/js/index.js.

  • src/front/style/style.css (your front end styles)
  • src/front/js/index.js (entry file for your js application)
  • src/front/index.html (the main HTML, it will be displayed on the default path /)

For a more detailed explanation, look for the tutorial inside the docs folder.

Remember to migrate every time you change your models

You have to migrate and upgrade the migrations for every update you make to your models:

$ pipenv run migrate (to make the migrations)
$ pipenv run upgrade  (to update your databse with the migrations)

Manual Installation for Ubuntu & Mac

⚠️ Make sure you have python 3.6+ and MySQL installed on your computer and MySQL is running, then run the following commands:

$ pipenv install (to install pip packages)
$ pipenv run migrate (to create the database)
$ pipenv run start (to start the flask webserver)

Deploy to Heroku

This template is 100% compatible with Heroku[https://www.heroku.com/], just make sure to understand and execute the following steps:

// Install heroku
$ npm i heroku -g
// Login to heroku on the command line
$ heroku login -i
// Create an application (if you don't have it already)
$ heroku create <your_application_name>
// Add python to the heroku server
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/python
// add node.js capabilities to heroku to be able to use npm on production
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/nodejs
// Commit and push to heroku (commited your changes)
$ git push heroku master

⚠️ For a more detailed explanation on working with .env variables or the MySQL database read the full guide.


This template was built as part of the 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Find out more about our Full Stack Developer Course, and Data Science Bootcamp.