This is a simple python script that is written to help discover potential vulnerabilities in targets for bug bounty hunting This will be an ongoing development setup for as long as I can possibly commit to doing this project.
The creator is Dr. Aubrey W. Love II (AKA Alien Hacker). He wanted a way that would allow him to utilize some of his favorite apps, in 1 single application. However, instead of just hunting down URLs, he increased his auto setup by already including a lot of different features inside this app.
This app hosts all types of information, or as it gets developed then it will have even more as we go along. Essentially, instead of trying to discover some random URL path for a perfect SQLi Attack, this program will auto apend possible SQLi paths to the end of the domain provided and will start the scanning process for you.
A bunch of neat little tools that are like that to help increase the automation of vulnerability discovery. This section will be updated as I develop the app more.
This will be version control to disocver what new features I have added to the app This version basically prints the opening banner, create an intro script, and has a generic user interface menu.