
A simple guide on how to use Math operations in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Math

Basic Math Operators written in Python Languages

When we get started with programming in Python, we need to be able to perform mathmatical functions. And these simple commands will give us aid & support in doing that.

We can Add 2 numbers together by using the "+" symbol;

print(50 + 50)

We can Subtract 2 numbers from each other by using the "-" symbol;

print(50 - 50)

We can Multiply 2 Numbers by using the "*" symbol;

print(50 * 50)

We can Divide 2 Numbers by using the "/" symbol;

print(50 / 50)

We can even perform PEMDAS Operations by placing them in the order we desire;

print(50 + 50 - 50 * 50 / 50)

We can also get a percentage of a number by using the "%" symbol;

print(50 % 5)

If we are performing Division, and do not want the extra decimal operators, we can do the following;

print(50 // 5)

And we have the ability to perform Exponents by using 2 of the "*" symbols;

print(50 ** 50)

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