When we get started with programming in Python, we need to be able to perform mathmatical functions. And these simple commands will give us aid & support in doing that.
We can Add 2 numbers together by using the "+" symbol;
print(50 + 50)
We can Subtract 2 numbers from each other by using the "-" symbol;
print(50 - 50)
We can Multiply 2 Numbers by using the "*" symbol;
print(50 * 50)
We can Divide 2 Numbers by using the "/" symbol;
print(50 / 50)
We can even perform PEMDAS Operations by placing them in the order we desire;
print(50 + 50 - 50 * 50 / 50)
We can also get a percentage of a number by using the "%" symbol;
print(50 % 5)
If we are performing Division, and do not want the extra decimal operators, we can do the following;
print(50 // 5)
And we have the ability to perform Exponents by using 2 of the "*" symbols;
print(50 ** 50)
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