
Here is the walk through sheet for the "Red Team Recon" Room on TryHackMe!

Red Team Recon

Lean how to use DNS, Advanced Searching, Recon-NG, and Maltego in order to collect information about our target!
Now we are about to get into the real work and learn how we can easily get intel on our target. By utilizing multiple tools, we can attempt to collect all types of information that will give us a boost in our attacks!
Why do we need to use Recon?
Recon work provides the foundation of our attack. If our target is using Apache 2.4.10, we can easily search for any potential vulnerabilities and exploits. And then execute those as well.
Another reason for Recon work is to try to extract sensitive information, such as login details and more!

T.H.M. Red Team Recon

We can all access this course here! I have put the notes & copied virtually everything inside of the RedTeamFundamentals.md file so that you can follow along.
I did the copy/paste of the entire course for my own personal gain. Why?
I have the room pulled up on 1 monitor, and wanted to read the information on my second monitor.

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We all need some help sometimes. And maybe you would like to contribute to my knowledge! Either way, I enjoy connecting and making new friends!
Please feel free to connect with me here;
Email: cryptoh4ck3r@proton.me
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoH4ck3r

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