GUI & Python wrapper for making MySQL queries easier
- Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
Installation pre-requisites
MySQL server
Python virtualenv
PyPi package
pip install pysql-cli
Linux / MacOS
pip3 install pysql-cli
- Automatic Setup
Open the PySQL
directory, run the setup file & activate the virtual environment
Linux / MacOS
chmod +x ./
source venv/bin/activate
- Manual Setup
Open the PySQL
using requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
using poetry
poetry install
Using the pip package
: Basic PySQL CLIcpysql
: Colored PySQL CLI
Using the Python command-line wrapper
.py file
: Basic PySQL
: Colored PySQL CLI
python pysql/
python pysql/
python3 pysql/
python3 pysql/
List of available commands
select TB_NAME, COLUMNS, ARGS Displays selected columns of a table
insert -s TB_NAME, ARGS Insert a single row in a table
-m TB_NAME, NUM, ARGS Insert `NUM` rows in a table
-f TB_NAME, FILE_NAME Insert values in a table from CSV file
update TB_NAME, COLUMNS, ARGS Updates values of columns in a table
delete TB_NAME, COLUMN Deletes values of row in a table
showdb Display all databases in MySQL server
usedb Use a database
createdb DB_NAME Create a new database
dropdb DB_NAME Delete a database
showtb Display all tables in current db
createtb TB_NAME, ARGS Create a new table in current db
droptb TB_NAME Delete a table in current db
trunctb TB_NAME Truncate a table in current db
desctb TB_NAME Display structure of a table in current db
altertb TB_NAME, ARGS Alter contents of table in current db
exportdb DB_NAME, PATH Export db as `.sql` file to path
exporttb -txt TB_NAME, PATH Export table as `.txt` file to path
-csv TB_NAME, PATH Export table as `.csv` file to path
-sql TB_NAME, PATH Export table schema as `.sql` file to path
exportall -txt PATH Export all tables in db as `.txt` file to path
-csv PATH Export all tables in db as `.csv` file to path
-sql PATH Export all tables schema in db as `.sql` file to path
importdb DB_NAME, PATH Import `.sql` file into input database
importtb DB_NAME, PATH Import `.sql` table schema into input table