
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

This theme is no longer maintained.

What is this.

This is the Bootstrap3 based theme for Hugo.

Hugo :: A fast and modern static website engine

PC View


SP View(Responsive)



  • Responsive design
  • Google Analytics
  • Thumbnail
  • Structured data(Article and Breadcrumb)
  • Twitter cards
  • OGP
  • Disqus
  • Syntax Highlight
  • Menu


$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/dim0627/hugo_theme_beg.git

Hugo - Installing Hugo

config.toml example

baseurl = "https://example.com/"
title = "SiteTitle"

googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-XX" # Optional
disqusShortname = "XYW"

  dateformat = "Jan 2, 2006" # Optional

Frontmatter example

date = "2016-09-28T17:00:00+09:00"
title = "Article title here"
thumbnail = "images/thumbnail.jpg" # Optional, referenced at `$HUGO_ROOT/static/images/thumbnail.jpg`
    custom_css = ["css/foo.css", "css/bar.css"] # customise individual CSS classes, put in static/css

Header menu

Hugo - Menus



{{% img src="images/image.jpg" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" class="right" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" class="left" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" caption="Referenced from wikipedia." href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum" %}}



Break float.

{{% img src="images/image.jpg" class="right" %}}

brabrabra # Displayed left of the image.

{{% clear %}}

brabrabra # Displayed below of the image.

Development mode

Supported development mode.

env HUGO_ENV="DEV" hugo server --watch --buildDrafts=true --buildFuture=true -t beg

This mode is

  • Not show Google Analytics tags.
  • Show IsDraft.
  • Show WordCount.

And set {{ if ne (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "DEV" }} Set elements here. {{ end }} if you want to place only in a production environment.