
😳 cursed ☑️ todo list 📜 for your terminal 🖥

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Ohaiii! UwU nuzzles Are you weady to be pwoductive today? Let's manage our tasks togethewr with tewduwu!



Use the up and down arrow keys or k and j keys to move the cuwrsow between tasks in the task list.

Press the 🪐🍻space bar to ✅ mark or unmark the currently selected task as complete.

Press the "a" key to ➕ add a new top level task. Time to entewr a description for the new task. Don't fowget to use youw UwU language!

Press the "i" key to 🆕➕ add a new subtask to the currently selected task. Entewr a description for the new subtask.

Press the "d" key to ➖ delete the currently selected task. The task is deleted!

Press the "h" key to ⬅️ move the selected task to its parent task.

Press the "l" key to ➡️ move the selected task to its first child task.

Press the "r" key to ✍️ weename the currently selected task. Time to entewr a new name. Don't fowget to use youw UwU language!

Aww, weaving so soon? 🥺 Press the "q" key to 🚪 quit the application.

Nyaa~ 🐈 Don't forget to hit the Enter 🔑 key after typing your description to 🔒 lock the item into the todo list!