
In-game properties inspector for Godot 4.3

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Object Inspector

In-game property inspector for Godot 4.3+

Support types:

  • Bool
  • Int
  • Float
  • String, StringName
  • Color
  • Vector2, Vector2i
  • Vector3, Vector3i
  • Enum
  • Flags
  • Typed/Untyped Arrays and PackedArrays
  • Dictionary
  • Category, Group and Subgroup


  1. git clone this repository to addons folder.
  2. Enabled Object Inspector in Plugins.


  1. Add ObjectInspector node to the scene.
  2. Apply the example theme to the ObjectInspector node.
  3. Call set_object method.
  4. Done!

Code example:

# Some script.gd...

@onready var inspector: Inspector = $Inspector # Path to our inspector in a tree.

func _ready() -> void:
	# Some object that we get from some method.
	var object: Object = get_object()

	# Sets our object to our inspector.

Custom property description:

# Some script.gd...
static func _static_init() -> void:
	Inspector.add_description("ClassName", "some_value", "Property description.")

Declare custom property:

# Validation method must return `true` if the property can be handled. Example:
static func can_handle(object: Object, property: Dictionary, editable: bool) -> bool:
	return property["type"] == TYPE_FLOAT

# Constructor method must return an object of class `Control`.
static func create_control(object: Object, property: Dictionary, editable: bool, setter: Callable, getter: Callable) -> Control:
	var spin_box := SpinBox.new()
	# Assign custom property description.
	spin_box.set_tooltip_text(Inspector.get_object_property_description(object, property["name"]))

	return spin_box

# Some script.gd...
# Declare custom property handler.
static func _static_init() -> void:
	InspectorProperty.declare_property(can_handle, create_control)


Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Mansur Isaev and contributors

Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository are licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more information.