
Boot sector which loads OS loader on FAT12 and FAT16

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Boot sector written in x86 assembler Boot sector that fits into one sector (512 bytes). It works for both FAT16 and FAT12. Loader code does not use 32-bit commands, therefore it works on 80286.


Boot secror that implements:

  • Uses Extened bios read (ah=42h) API if supported. If not, usual ah=01 read is used.
  • Error messages
  • Sector size not equal to 512. FAT supports logical sectors of size multiply of 512.
  • Reads whole (all clusters) loader file into memory.


A windows 32-bit console program that deploys boot sector file into FAT drive's boot sector. Starting from Windows Vista, it required administrative privileges to read/write boot sector of fixed disks. However, you still can read/write removable disks filesystem with regular privileges. So, if you want to deploy a boot sector on a hard drive on Windows 10, you should run the program as an administrator.


Sample OS loaded program. It displays the address at which it is loaded and checks that all of it's content is loaded into memory.


To compile the files you need NASM assembler compliler. You can download it from https://www.nasm.us. The Deploy program also needs a linker - I use GoLink from http://www.godevtool.com I encourage you to build the programs by yourself, it easy. You don't have to install anything - just unpack compiler and linker archives and update the paths in comp.bat file. Anyway, the binaries are aslo provided for those who not want to build themselves.