
(Please see debug branch, it will be merged to master soon) Microcontroller-based batch audio presenter which I have developed during my postdoc in cognitive neuroscience at CerCo/Toulouse. If you construct one and flash it with the software here, this device should serve your realtime audio presentation needs sync'd with an EEG amp, especially if you're very concerned with jitter.

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Microcontroller-based batch audio presenter -- currently the development continues in debug branch!

Short history

mycrobe-wasp is the code for a device I manufactured during my Neuroscience postdoc between 2010-2012 at CerCo/CNRS, Toulouse between for a project where we needed to simultaneously present auditory and visual stimuli. People working on especially with EEG and Event-related Electrophysiology can imagine the problems the jitter between two modalities can cause, so this device simply by-passes any e.g. DMA-related issue, meaning that you're alone with only the jitter of parallel port access.

The device is based upon a small PIC32-based embedded board from MikroElektronika and expects a TTL-trigger from a computer (in our case it was parallel port driven within Matlab & PsychToolbox). In each trigger it plays .wav files (which are pre-arranged to fit in your Psychophysical trial set) on its microSD card one-by-one, also displaying which file currently it's playing on its color LCD-screen. So here resides its codebase ready to compile in PIC32 version of MikroC. Here are some pictures I've taken during development (others probably will arrive in time):

Some oscilloscope output demonstrating the jitter level:

The device itself: