
Html reporter for gemini and hermione

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Plugin for gemini and hermione which is intended to aggregate the results of tests running into html report.

You can read more about gemini plugins here and about hermione plugins here.


npm install html-reporter


Plugin has following configuration:

  • enabled (optional) Boolean – enable/disable the plugin; by default plugin is enabled
  • path (optional) String - path to directory for saving html report file; by default html report will be saved into gemini-report/index.html inside current work directory.
  • defaultView (optional) String - default view mode. Available values are:
    • all - show all tests. Default value.
    • failed - show only failed tests.
  • baseHost (optional) - String - it changes original host for view in the browser; by default original host does not change
  • scaleImages (optional) – Boolean – fit images into page width; false by default
  • lazyLoadOffset (optional) - Number - allows you to specify how far above and below the viewport you want to begin loading images. Lazy loading would be disabled if you specify 0. 800 by default.

Also there is ability to override plugin parameters by CLI options or environment variables (see configparser). Use html_reporter_ prefix for the environment variables and --html-reporter- for the cli options.

For example you can override path option like so:

$ html_reporter_path=custom/dir gemini test
$ gemini test --html-reporter-path custom/dir

Gemini Usage

Add plugin to your gemini config file:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    system: {
        plugins: {
            'html-reporter/gemini': {
                enabled: true,
                path: 'my/gemini-reports',
                defaultView: 'all',
                baseHost: 'test.com'

Hermione Usage

Add plugin to your hermione config file:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    plugins: {
        'html-reporter/hermione': {
            enabled: true,
            path: 'my/hermione-reports',
            defaultView: 'all',
            baseHost: 'test.com'

Additional commands

Additional commands that are added to the tool for which this plugin is connected.


Command that adds ability to effective work with screenshots.

Example of usage:

npx hermione gui


Command that adds ability to merge reports which are created after running the tests.

Example of usage:

npx hermione merge-reports src-report-1 src-report-2 -d dest-report


Run mocha tests:

npm run test-unit

Run eslint codestyle verification

npm run lint


Html-reporter adds to your tool object with api:


Adds item to html report as link:

@param {String} text of link
@param {String} url of link

tool.htmlReporter.addExtraItem(linkText, linkUrl)