Docker-compose Starter

Run your development environment with a single command using docker-compose 🚀. This repository was boarn with aim to share how simple development environment could be with docker-compose. If you ever had to perform 100 steps to run a new project you will like this a lot. You could read more on the problem in this blog post.


  • 🔥 Simple project start run your development evnrionment with a single command
  • 🙀 Environment agnostic with docker-compose you can run your project on Mac, Windows or Linux environments without any issues.
  • ️⚡️ Multi-language projects choose whatever language you need to solve the problem, but keep development environment easy for developers.

Getting Started

./bin/ — starts entire application ./bin/ — runs tests using docker-compose

The repository consists 4 demo-purpose independent services:

  1. Landing - a landing site
  2. Web - a simple frontend that serves client side assets for React application and do some server side rendering.
  3. Api - a restful api.
  4. Admin - an admin site

For learning purpose just pay attention to the following files:

  1. Dockerfile
  3. package.json
  4. docker-compose.yml
  5. docker-compose.local-tests.yml
  6. .env

Separate Dockerfile for development used to run every project on local environment. There are two reasons for using separate dockerfile for local environments:

  1. To run application using Nodemon, which automatically restart application on code change. (same can be achieved by overriding command in docker-compose.yml)
  2. Production Docker files has npm run build && npm prune --production. That needed to keep your Docker images smaller, by removing devDependencies after build step has been completed. In this step you would typically use Webpack, Gulp or any other bundlers / task runners.

If image size is not an issue - I would recommend to keep same Dockerfile for both development and production environments. You might also want to look into this discussion