
Python package for accessing 4intelligence's Forecast as a Service (FaaS4i)

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

PyFaaS4i - FaaS API modeling with Python

Python License: MPL 2.0

Repository for running scale modeling on FaaS from Python

Repository under license Mozilla Public Version 2.0.

The script ‘run_examples.ipynb’ has all the necessary code to run both examples covered in the tutorial below.

It is presented one case example for modeling one target variable (Y), using one dataset, and another one with multiple target variables (Y), which uses a list of datasets.


Each user will need to setup the authentication using the login function (pyfaas4i.faas.login). The function login will display a URI where 4CastHub's user email and password will be required, as well as the two-factor-authentication code.

from pyfaas4i.faas import login

By default, the login function will wait 90 seconds for authentication. If you wish to adjust the wait time, it is possible to change the parameter using a numeric value for sleep_time.

I) How it works

The package is supported by Python 3 and requires the following packages:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • requests
  • unidecode

Then the package can be installed either by cloning the repository and executing the following command whist in the folder:

python setup.py install --user
# You might need to change to python3 depending on your configurations
# Linux and Mac users might need to use 'sudo' in the beginning of the command

Simply install it using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/4intelligence/pyfaas4i.git

Reading Excel files (.xlsx)

Note that an additional package is needed for reading .xlsx files, the openpyxl package. It can be installed with one following:

  • Installing in an Anaconda environment:
conda install -c anaconda openpyxl 
  • Installing using PIP:
pip install openpyxl
  • Inside a Jupyter Notebook:
!pip install openpyxl

The package is required only if you are reading .xlsx files or want to follow the tutorial.


Documentation regarding all functions and classes in the package can be found in docs folder.

Further examples for sending a project for modeling can be seen here and once outputs are available, here you can see how to open the forecast pack using PyFaaS4i.

Example: Using PyFaaS4i to send a job

Now let's load the function:

from pyfaas4i.faas import run_models

There are some arguments to feed ‘run_models’ function.We are going through all of them in this example and then will call the API.

1) Data List [‘data_list’]

A list of datasets to perform modeling;

Since we are dealing with time-series, the dataset must contain a date column (its name is not relevant, since we will automatically detect it).

Here lie two major conventions to follow:

  1. There must be a date column in the data frame
  2. You must name every dictionary key after the Y variable name

Variables names (column names) that begin with numeric characters will be renamed to avoid computational issues. For example, variables “32”, “156_y”, “3_pim” will be displayed as “x32”, “x156_y” and “x3_pim” at the end of the process. To avoid this correction, avoid beginning columns names with numeric characters;

Let us see two examples of data list, one with 1 Y’s and the other with multiple Y’s

Example 1 data_list [single Y]:
import pandas as pd

# ------ Load dataset -----------------------------------
dataset_1 = pd.read_excel("./inputs/dataset_1.xlsx")

# ------ Declare the date variable and its format --------
date_variable = 'data_tidy'
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'

# ------ Dataframes must be passed in a dictionary
data_list = {'fs_pim': dataset_1}

Example 2 data_list [multiple Ys]:
# ------ Load datasets -----------------------------------

dataset_1 = pd.read_excel("./inputs/dataset_1.xlsx")
dataset_2 = pd.read_excel("./inputs/dataset_2.xlsx")
dataset_3 = pd.read_excel("./inputs/dataset_3.xlsx")

# ------ Declare the date variable and its format --------

date_variable = 'data_tidy'
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'

# ------ Dataframes must be passed in a dictionary
data_list = {'dataset_1': dataset_1,
             'dataset_2': dataset_2,
             'dataset_3': dataset_3}

2) Date Variable [date_variable]

The variable that has the dates to be used by the models.

# The name of the columns which contains the dates
date_variable = 'DATE_VARIABLE'

3) Date Format [date_format']

Which is the format that the date is represented (p.e 1993-05-06 would be %Y-%m-%d) For reference see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior

date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'

4) Model Specifications [‘model_spec’]

Regardless of whether you are modeling one or multiple Ys, the model spec follows the same logic. A list of desired modeling specification by the user:

  • n_steps: forecast horizon that will be used in the cross-validation (if 3, 3 months ahead; if 12, 12 months ahead, etc.);

    • n_steps should be an integer greater than or equal to 1. It is recommended that 'n_steps+n_windows-1' does not exceed 30% of the length of your data.
  • n_windows: how many windows the size of ‘Forecast Horizon’ will be evaluated during cross-validation (CV);

    • n_windows should be an integer greater than or equal to 1. It is recommended that 'n_steps+n_windows-1' does not exceed 30% of the length of your data.
  • seas.d: if TRUE, it includes seasonal dummies in every estimation;

    • Can be set to True or False.
  • log: if TRUE apply log transformation to the data (only variables with all values greater than 0 will be log transformed);

    • Can be set to True or False.
  • accuracy_crit: which criterion to measure the accuracy of the forecast during the Cross-Validation;

    • Can be set to MPE, MAPE, WMAPE or RMSE.
  • exclusions: restrictions on features in the same model (which variables should not be included in the same model);

    • If none, should be passed as an empty list ("exclusions": [] or "exclusions": list()), otherwise it should receive a list containing lists of variables (see advanced options below for examples).
  • golden_variables: features that must be included in, at least, one model (separate or together);

    • If none, should be passed as an empty list ("golden_variables": [] or "golden_variables": list()), otherwise it should receive a list with the golden variables (see advanced options below for examples)
  • fill_forecast: if True, it enables forecasting explanatory variables in order to avoid NAs in future values;

    • Can be set to True or False.
  • cv_summary: determines whether ‘mean’ ou ‘median’ will be used to calculate the summary statistic of the accuracy measure over the CV windows.

    • Can be set to 'mean' or 'median'.
  • lags: defines dictionary of lags of explanatory variables to be tested in dataset. For example, if you wish to apply lags 1, 2 and 3 to the explanatory variables 'x1' and 'x2' from your dataset, this parameter should be specified as "lags": {"x1": [1,2,3], "x2": [1,2,3]}. If you wish to test lags 1, 2 and 3 for all explanatory variables in the dataset(s), you can define as "lags": {"all": [1,2,3]}. If the user defines "lags": {"all": [1,2,3], "x1": [1,2,3,4,5,6]}, lags 1, 2 and 3 will be applied to all explanatory variables, except for 'x1', which lags 1 through 6 will be tested.

    • The default is an empty dictionary ("lags": {}).
  • allowdrift: if True, drift terms are considered in arima models;

    • Can be set to True or False.
  • user_model: definition of a model (or more than one) that user wants to see among the ones available in output;

    • If none, should be passed as an empty list ("user_model": [] or "user_model": list()), otherwise it should receive a list containing lists of variables (see advanced options below for examples).

The critical input we expect from users is the CV settings (n_steps and n_windows). In this example, we set our modeling algorithm to perform a CV, which will evaluate forecasts 3 steps ahead (‘n_steps’), 12 times (‘n_windows’).

model_spec = {
              'n_steps': 3,
              'n_windows': 6,

If the user chooses not to specify the remaining parameters in the model_spec, we will use the default settings (see below). With the default settings we’ll log transform the data and use proper seasonal dummies in every estimation. The accuracy criteria used to select the best models will be 'MAPE', and they will be summarized using the 'mean' across the CV windows. Missing in explanatory variables in the future values will not be filled, and we will use all three feature selection methods available - Lasso, Random Forest and Correlation, while avoiding collinearity among explanatory variables in a model.

## Default settings
model_spec = {
              'n_steps': user_input,
              'n_windows': user_input,
              'log': True,
              'seas.d': True,
              'n_best': 25,
              'accuracy_crit': 'MAPE',
              'exclusions': [],
              'golden_variables': [],
              'fill_forecast': False,
              'cv_summary': 'mean',
              'selection_methods': {
                  'lasso' : True,
                  'rf' : True,
                  'corr' : True,
                  'apply.collinear' : ["corr","rf","lasso","no_reduction"]
              'lags': {},
              'allowdrift': True,
              'user_model': []    

5) Project Name [‘project_name’]

Define a project name. A string with character and/or numeric inputs that should be at most 50 characters long. Special characters will be removed.

project_name = 'project_example'

6) Send job request

Wants to make sure everything is alright? Though not necessary, you can validate your request beforehand by using the following function:

validate_models(data_list, date_variable, date_format, model_spec, project_name)

It will return a message indicating your specifications are in order or it will point out to the arguments that need adjustment.

Or you can simply send your FaaS API request. We'll take care of running the validate_request and let you know if something needs your attention before we can proceed. If everything is in order, we'll automatically send the request, and you will see a message with the status of your request in your console.

run_models(data_list, date_variable, date_format, model_spec, project_name)

If everything went fine you should see the following message:

"HTTP 200: Request successfully received!

Results will soon be available in your Projects module"

II) Advanced Options

In this section, we change some the default values of the model_spec. Only advanced users should edit them: make sure you understand the implications before changing them.

The accuracy criteria used to select the best models will be “RMSE”. We’re not applying log transformation on data. Moreover, we also make use of the exclusions and golden_variables options:

model_spec = {
    'log': False,
    'seas.d': True,
    'n_steps': 3,
    'n_windows': 6,
    'n_best': 25,
    'accuracy_crit': 'RMSE',
    'exclusions': [["fs_massa_real", "fs_rend_medio"],
                  ["fs_pop_ea", "fs_pop_des", "fs_pop_ocu"]],
    'golden_variables': ["fs_pmc", "fs_ici"],
    'fill_forecast': True,
    'cv_summary': 'median',
    'selection_methods': {
                          'lasso' : False,
                          'rf' : True,
                          'corr' : True,
                          'apply.collinear' : []
    'lags': {"fs_rend_medio": [1,2,3],
             "fs_pmc": [1,2,3]},
    'allowdrift': False,
    'user_model': [["fs_massa_real", "l2_fs_pmc"],

By setting exclusions this way, we add the restriction where the features/variables in a group can not appear together in the same model. Pay attention to the following lines:

'exclusions': [["fs_massa_real", "fs_rend_medio"],
              ["fs_pop_ea", "fs_pop_des", "fs_pop_ocu"]]

This list implies that we will never see “fs_massa_real” and “fs_rend_medio” in the same model. The same is true for the second restriction group: we will never estimate models that simultaneously include “fs_pop_ea”, with either “fs_pop_des” and “fs_pop_ocu”, and so on.

With the golden_variables argument, we can guarantee that at least some of best models contain one or both of the ‘golden’ ones:

'golden_variables': ["fs_pmc", "fs_ici"]

With the fill_forecast argument, we forecast explanatory variables in order to avoid NAs in future values. Warning: For most variables a simple univariate ARIMA is used in this process (exception: dummy variables are filled using Random Forest) which may hinder the performance of the dependent variable forecast.

'fill_forecast': True

Regarding the cv_summary argument, should we calculate the summary statistic of the accuracy measures using the mean or the median? The mean is the most usual, however, the median is more robust to outliers and might be a better statistic when you think that the cross validation is affected by extreme situations, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

'cv_summary': 'median'

The selection_methods determine feature selection algorithms that will be used when it comes to big datasets (one with a large number of explanatory features). More precisely, if the number of features in the dataset exceeds 14, feature selection methods will reduce dimensionality, guaranteeing the best results in a much more efficient way. In this example, we turn off the Lasso method and work only with Random Forests and the correlation approach.

'selection_methods': {
                      'lasso' : False,
                      'rf' : True,
                      'corr' : True,
                      'apply.collinear' : []

The lags defines dictionary of lags of explanatory variables to be tested in dataset, in this example, we are considering lags 1, 2 and 3 for the variables 'fs_rend_medio' and 'fs_pmc'. Such lags will be called 'l1_fs_rend_medio', 'l2_fs_rend_medio', 'l2_fs_rend_medio', 'l1_fs_pmc', 'l2_fs_pmc' and 'l3_fs_pmc', if these names are not already in used within user's dataset.

'lags': {"fs_rend_medio": [1,2,3],
         "fs_pmc": [1,2,3]}

The user_model defines one or more models that should be included in the available models. Besides these variables, any variable that is added to regular modeling will also be in the models created from user_model. It is also possible to include a lagged variable (if defined in lags) among the variables in user_model. For example, we expect to see a model that includes only 'fs_massa_real', the second lag of 'fs_pmc' and the variables added within the pipeline, no other explanatory variable.

'user_model': [["fs_massa_real", "l2_fs_pmc"],

Other Functionalities

1) List projects

You can retrieve information about your previous jobs using the list_projects function:

from pyfaas4i.faas import list_projects

my_projects = list_projects()

The function takes the optional argument return_dict, which takes True or False (default is false). If true, function will return a dictionary instead of a dataframe.

2) Download forecast pack

The project outputs (forecast pack) can also be downloaded using the download_zip function. The function will download a zip file containing the outputs of the selected project. The outputs will be in the RDS format (an R native format), and can be read using the submodule pyfaas4i.forecastpack.

from pyfaas4i.faas import download_zip

download_zip(project_id = "project_id",
             path = "path",
             filename = "file_name")

To download the outputs, you will need the project_id which is an information available in the output of the list_projects function. You need to provide the path of the directory you want to save the forecast pack and filename.