What is this?

This is an automated script to help you setup new server and deploy Rails application along with database dump.


Ubuntu 16.04 or newer


  1. Execute within your rails app directory: git clone git@github.com:Freika/rails_server.git server
  2. Open file server/hosts and replace values with your own. User and database passwords should be encrypted. Don't forget to provide yandex_disk_access_token for backups, use this guide. It requires to allow access to Yandex Disk REST API AND Yandex Disk WebDAB API.
  3. Update server/roles/nginx/templates/nginx_virtual_host with your domain.
  4. Place you postgres database dump at server/app_name.sql. Dump must be created with following command: pg_dump --no-owner app_name > app_name.sql -U DB_USERNAME
  5. Update IP address of your server in config/deploy/production.rb and set user value to deploy.
  6. Install roles from ansible-galaxy:
ansible-galaxy install manala.git manala.zsh mashimom.oh-my-zsh pgolm.monit geerlingguy.passenger DavidWittman.redis rvm_io.rvm1-ruby ANXS.postgresql kamaln7.swapfile

hosts file

Create file hosts in root directory of ansible script. Here is an example:

IP_ADDRESS                      # Your server IP address

app_name=APP_NAME               # Your application name
user_password=PASSWORD          # Password for user deploy, encrypted in md5
monit_user=MONIT_USERNAME       # Username for monit
monit_password=MONIT_PASSWORD   # Password for monit, plain text
ruby_version=2.3.1              # Ruby version
gmail_user=user@gmail.com       # Gmail account email for monit notifications
gmail_password=GMAIL_PASSWORD   # Gmail account password for monit notifications
monit_allowed_ip=        # Allowed IP for monit sign in
postgres_password=00000000      # Your app database password (for database.yml)




ansible-playbook server/python.yml server/server.yml server/app.yml -i server/hosts

This script goes through full server configuration process. For now it does next things (in order of applying):


  • Installs Python2 in order to allow Ansible do all the work
  • Installs pip, python packet manager


  • Creates deploy user which is our main user for application deployments
  • Configures zsh and oh-my-zsh for both root and deploy users
  • Installs vim and htop
  • Installs monit for server state monitoring and notifications (RAM, HDD, etc)
  • Installs nginx with passenger to serve your Rails applications
  • Installs Redis
  • Installs Ruby
  • Installs PostgreSQL


  • Configures Nginx to server your Rails application
  • Creates PostgreSQL database and user for your Rails application
  • Uploads database dump and restores it on server
  • Setups daily DB backups with uploading to Yandex Disk


Run cap production deploy to start deployment process. If it failed because if not found active support 5, just run it one more time.

That's all!

Deploying application to already configured server

Just run steps from 2 to 5 from Usage. You'll also want to update files from Preparation as appropriate.


  • Setup Fail2ban