
Simple Shell

Primary LanguageC


This README.md file provides an overview of the various files present in the project and their corresponding functions. Each section corresponds to a specific file, and the functions within that file are listed along with a brief explanation of their purposes.


  • _interactive: This function handles interactive mode for the shell.
  • _isalpha: A function to check if a character is alphabetic or not.
  • _atoi: A custom implementation of the atoi function to convert a string to an integer.


  • _history: Function related to managing the history of commands.
  • unset_alias: Function to unset or remove an alias.
  • set_alias: Function to set or create an alias.
  • print_alias: Function to print the aliases.
  • _alias: Function to handle the alias command.


  • _cd: Function to change the current directory.
  • _customexit: Function to handle custom exit from the shell.


  • _strcpy: Custom implementation of the strcpy function.
  • _strdup: Custom implementation of the strdup function.
  • _puts: Custom function to print a string.
  • _putchar: Custom function to print a single character.


  • _strlen: Custom implementation of the strlen function.
  • _strcmp: Custom implementation of the strcmp function.
  • starts_with: Function to check if a string starts with a specific prefix.
  • _strcat: Custom implementation of the strcat function.


  • _customsetenv: Function to set a custom environment variable.
  • _customunsetenv: Function to unset a custom environment variable.
  • _env: Function to display the current environment variables.
  • populate_env_list: Function to populate a linked list with environment variables.
  • _getenv: Function to get the value of a specific environment variable.


  • fork_cmd: Function to fork and execute a command.


  • _strncpy: Custom implementation of the strncpy function.
  • _strncat: Custom implementation of the strncat function.
  • _strchr: Custom implementation of the strchr function.


  • get_environ: Function to get the environment variable list.
  • _unsetenv: Custom implementation of the unsetenv function.
  • _setenv: Custom implementation of the setenv function.


  • clear_info: Function to clear memory used for storing information.
  • set_info: Function to set the information related to the shell.
  • free_info: Function to free the memory allocated for the shell information.


  • input_buf: Function to handle the input buffer.
  • get_input: Function to get user input.
  • read_buf: Function to read from the input buffer.
  • _getline: Custom implementation of the getline function.
  • sigintHandler: Signal handler function for handling SIGINT.


  • get_history_file: Function to get the history file path.
  • write_history: Function to write the command history to a file.
  • read_history: Function to read the command history from a file.
  • build_history_list: Function to build a linked list with command history.
  • renumber_history: Function to renumber the history nodes.


  • add_node: Function to add a new node to the linked list.
  • add_node_end: Function to add a new node at the end of the linked list.
  • print_list_str: Function to print the linked list of strings.
  • delete_node_at_index: Function to delete a node at a specific index.
  • free_list: Function to free the memory occupied by the linked list.


  • list_len: Function to get the length of the linked list.
  • list_to_strings: Function to convert the linked list into an array of strings.
  • print_list: Function to print the linked list.
  • node_starts_with: Function to check if a node starts with a specific prefix.
  • get_node_index: Function to get the index of a specific node in the linked list.


  • main: The main function that serves as the entry point for the shell.


  • bfree: Function to free a memory block.
  • _memset: Custom implementation of the memset function.
  • ffree: Function to free a file stream.
  • _realloc: Custom implementation of the realloc function.


  • _putfd: Function to print file descriptors.
  • _putsfd: Function to write a string to a file descriptor.
  • dup_chars: Function to duplicate characters from a string.
  • is_executable: Function to check if a file is executable.
  • find_path: Function to find the full path of a command.


  • _erratoi: Function to convert a string to an integer, handling errors.
  • print_error: Function to print error messages.
  • print_d: Function to print an integer.
  • convert_number: Function to convert an integer to a string.
  • remove_comments: Function to remove comments from a string.


  • prompt: Function to display the shell prompt.


  • struct liststr: Structure definition for the linked list of strings.
  • struct passinfo: Structure definition for passing information within the shell.
  • struct builtin: Structure definition for built-in commands.


  • is_builtin: Function to check if a command is a built-in command.
  • check_cmd: Function to check if a command is valid.
  • hsh: The main loop function for the shell.


  • is_delim: Function to check if a character is a delimiter.
  • strtow: Function to tokenize a string into words.


  • checkChainCont: Function to check for chain continuation.
  • substitute_alias: Function to substitute an alias in the command.
  • isChain: Function to check if a command contains a chain.
  • substitute_string: Function to substitute variables in a string.
  • substitute_vars: Function to substitute variables in the command.