
Web URL Fuzzer - wufuzzer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Web URL Fuzzer - wufuzzer

Python3 category

wufuzzer is very simple URL fuzzer to assess unnecessary files running on Python3 for all professionals of web security assessment.


  • Simple scanning directories and files listed on specified files.
  • Fast scanning by multiple threads and auto-retry when an error has occurred.
  • Dump scanned logs.
  • Graphical interface shows progresses clearly understandable.
  • Scanning paths in stages based on path separators.

System requirements

  • Python3
  • requests (pip), yaml (pip)
  • (Optional) fuzzdb database as a list of well-known directories and files to scan.


$ python3 ./wufuzzer.py http://example.com/

Demo: file

How to install

Step 1: Getting wufuzzer

Shallow clone the source from github.

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/4k1/wufuzzer.git

Step 2: Getting database (Optional)

(e.g.) Shallow clone the database of Mozilla fuzzdb-project.

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/fuzzdb-project/fuzzdb.git

Step 3: Configure wufuzzer config

Put some database directories on wufuzzer.yml.

# Web URL Fuzzer Configuration

# Core settings
    # Scanner thread(s)
    # (default : 1)
    max_threads:        8
    # Interval second(s) per request. 
    # (default : 0)
    request_interval:   0
    # Retry interval second(s) when error has occurred.
    # (default : 10)
    retry_interval:     1
    # Except http response code(s) e.g. 400,404,500
    # (default : 404)
    except_http_codes:  400,402,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,421,422,423,424,426,451,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510

    # db defines
    default_db:          default

# Default db
    base:               /YOUR_FUZZDB_DIR/fuzzdb
          - file:           discovery/predictable-filepaths/KitchensinkDirectories.txt
            type:           dironly
            option:         dirs

          - file:           discovery/predictable-filepaths/Randomfiles.txt
            type:           mixed
            option:         fixed

          - file:           discovery/predictable-filepaths/UnixDotfiles.txt
            type:           mixed
            option:         fixed

core Section

Key Description
max_threads Scanner threads.(Default: 1)
request_interval An interval second(s) per request.(Default: 0)
retry_interval Retry interval second(s) when error has occurred.(Default: 10)
except_http_codes Except http response code(s).(Defalt: 404 only)
default_db A default database id that scanner will be loaded automatically when it launched.

database id Section

Key Description
id(e.g. default) An unique id on this yaml.
->base A base directory of database file(s).
->files (Files Entry)
->->file A database file path without the base.
->->type A type of the file. It must be specified dironly or mixed.
->->option A method to load the database. It must be specified dirs or fixed.(If type is dironly, option must be dirs.)

type Property

  • dironly : Only directories in the file.

    • e.g.
  • mixed : Directories and Files in the file.

    • e.g.

option Property

  • dirs : Scanner will be loaded it as a directories.

    • e.g.
      test.php         -> as a 'test.php/' directory pattern
      test/            -> as a 'test/' directory pattern
      test/test.d      -> as a 'test/test.d/' directory pattern
  • fixed : Depends on its type option. Basically, scanner will be loaded it as a path-pair of the directory and the file.

    • e.g. (type=mixed)

      test.php         -> as a 'test.php' file pattern
      test/            -> as a 'test/' directory pattern
      test/test.d/test -> as a 'test/test.d/test' file pattern (fixed pair.)
    • e.g. (type=dironly)

      test.php         -> as a 'test.php/' directory pattern
      test/            -> as a 'test/' directory pattern
      test/test.d/test -> as a 'test/', a 'test/test.d/', a 'test/test.d/test/' directory pattern 
      • type=dironly and option=fixed case, the row of a database will be separated as a graded directory.

How to scan effectually a target site

Step 1: Set up the default databases.

  • Refer to the above.

Step 2: Make an URL list of the target site.

  • e.g. (As the URL list is located /home/foo/Desktop/urllist_example_com.txt)

Step 3: Add database entry to the wufuzzer.yml

  • e.g.
    # Optional db
        base:               /home/foo/Desktop/
              - file:           urllist_example_com.txt
                type:           mixed
                option:         dirs
  • If you specify to use the sitedb when you call the scanner, it will be loaded the URL list file as a directory patterns. Therefore scanner is able to be checked all of actual directories on the target site.

Step 4: Do the scan

  • e.g.
    $ python3 ./wufuzzer.py -d sitedb http://example.com/
    • If you specify a parameter -d {database-id}, the scanner will extra load the databases you specified.