Shell script to lookup the definition of currently selected word and send a dunst notification with the definitions
- 4lgn@wemuda
- ajasibleydeprecatedunemployed lul
- akrisanovПланФакт
- antonioshadjiLeros Capital LLC
- Benricheson101on Discord @ index.ts
- caidanwSeattle, WA
- Devi0usM0nk
- dmsimonov
- DolicaAkelloEgwelCosmic Coincidence Control Centre
- donihalimBandung, Indonesia
- dwivedi-ritikVaranasi , India
- g9robot
- hoseinsedaqat
- inventfossil
- ispencerlee
- j-hui@apple
- kflpkCracow, Poland
- krissemicolon@hedral-art
- Lrv-devBrazil
- MarroteoArgentina
- Mielai1l
- pagiuxSapienza University of Rome
- par4m
- PowerMan2206your walls
- pvpscript@corabank
- rcmschiavi
- rusty-electronKorro AI
- salastroZewail City
- SeyToNepal
- Skraylet
- Speccy-RomAston / X5 Tech
- tiagohermanoBeon Tech
- travis-g@immutability-io
- unhandyman
- vllurPoland
- WieWaldiRechenzentrum Amper